shell dwellers


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Aag Town
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this may not be a good idea but i wanna add some shell dwellers to my dwarf puffer tank thinking about the neolamprologus brevis n e one have experience taking care of them and suggest a good website that sells them?


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Aag Town
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well i currently got 1 feeder guppy that my red eye puffer never ate so i took them out stuck them in my dwarf puffer tank..they completely ignore them they only pick on each other so since i got a good number of them i figure they leave other fishes for shell dwellers i was thinking neolamprologus brevis (i read they're not aggresive at all correct me if i'm wrong) i was thinking about 3 1 male 2 female nad 7 or 8 dwarf puffer in a 28 gallon tank thats about 11-14 inches of fish so i think theres enough room for territory oh yea lots of hiding spots and fake plants to break up territory


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i wish i knew the answer to this, but i dont know much about the relative aggression amongst the shellies-- as i have only personally kept multies.

ALL of the puffers i have kept and been told about are terrible about fin-nipping, so my gut tells me that it is not a good idea, but i honestly cant give you a good answer on this.

maybe someone else will know?


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Aag Town
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thats the thing i'm not worry about my puffers being nippy but the shell dwellers...its all in fish personality i admit the puffers don't seem to like each other but not to point they chase each other down..i know davy keeps his w/ other fish and not had problems yet my oto and that guppy is not missing n e parts of their fins and they been in tank for a week or so oh yea n e one know of a good website i can order shell dwellers non of my lsf sells them


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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As for the puffers nipping the shellies, it all depends on their personallity. I was careful about testing mine with other fish. He turned out to be nice so I keep her with other fish. She doesn't even have a problem with the angels very long fins. I don't know about the shellies hurting the puffers because the only experience with cichlids that I have is angels.


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
i have a greenspotted puffer
and from my experience, they don't mix too well with my all too curious cichlids or at least central american ones, also mine has not done well with mollies, guppies, or my dragonfish goby (which he tore to shreds is lucky to have lived from the experience). i have also read that they don't do well with each others. right now i have mine in a ten gallon set up by itself (b/c he just can't behave). it is kind of amusing to feed it worms, and they are an interesting fish to watch, so i guess if that is what you enjoy they are an ok fish, i don't completely hate mine, i simply don't dare to risk throwing money away to feed him extra special fish snacks (pieces of dempsey, jewel fish, pacu, oscar, ect.), he is alright other then that but i have to admit i hold a grudge b/c he tried to eat some of my favorite fish.....