shell dwellers


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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After all that faffing about to find out what cichlid would be best suited to 5 UKgal tank, (thanks for the suggestions guys), my other half has finally admitted to a preference - shell dwellers.

This is all Taffyfishes fault by the way - we saw his tanks earlier and I guess the idea stuck from there.

I've tried reading what I can on the web, but there's just too much info to digest at once, so I'm asking for help to narrow the field down a bit.

Obviously, the first consideration is tank size. We'll be using an existing 5 UK gal tank, and whilst I'm sure a 20 would be better, I'd like to limit this request to what will go in a 5. It seems some shellies only get to 1", so it should be possible. If we can fit the larger ones in then the field opens up, but I suspect this will not be the case.

So - can this be done? - if so what names should I be looking up? - and the usual info on numbers/stocking ratios etc would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks folks.........


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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I don't know that this should be done but if you want a couple of lamprologus multifasciatus, you know where to ask. My pair now have 10 youngsters and I'm moving the 20g to the office in Basingstoke tomorrow...the fish are in the Q tank right now and will move Wednesday or Thursday.

Your timing might be just right as I'm sure there's a pair breaking off from the parental group.

Multies are probably better suited to the small space than ocellatus or brevis (unless you 're contemplating keeping a single fish?), similis seem to be very similar in their requirements and size to multies.

Oh Taffy your so cool *wink*

Yep the old man is so right it is all your fault Taffy, those little fish had me hooked from the moment I looked into the tank.

I just had to keep going back to look in the tank over and over again, no other fish has ever had that affect on me, its the way they live and the shells had me with shivers down my spine.... now as for Purple he prefers bigger fish but I tend to like small fish.

Any help on this from you Taffy would be very much apprciated as I want them to be as happy as can be.

Thanks Purple, I really thought I would end up with some massive monster in the bedroom and now I really have something to look forward to.


Red (a very happy MrsPurple)


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Taffy - yeah, I was thinking of a small group (one male only) as I understand that each male will defend a territory of around 1 sq ft - just about right in a UK5 gal. Though if they breed I'm gonna have to watch out - lol.

I'm almost done setting up the new 75 (which has turned out to be a 55), and hope to stock it this week, which will mean the 5 will be ready to go for shellies by the weekend. If you can keep your spare multis till then I'd be happy to take them off your hands :)

Lots of snail shells in my garden - do I need the biggest I can find, or is a mix of shell sizes best ?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Multies would prefer a cluster of shells and they'll choose which ones to live in, the fry spend time under the shells at first and then they tend to dive into the nearest when they need cover. The mother tends to stick with one for breeding in.

Ocellatus and brevis tend to prefer shells spread out all over and demand a larger territory.

I still think 5 gallons is a bit small but do-able, they'll not really have a territory in that there's nothing else in the tank with them? You are definitely going to need a mated pair as there's no room in a 5 gallon for a dispute! Can I suggest that we wait until I have a definite pair that have broken off?

You should then be free of problems until after they've spawned a few times and they want to eject the oldest of the young to make room for more!

Any old snail shell should do so long as they are clean (boil them and ensure no left over bits inside) and the female can fit in, so half to one inch opening at least. You might have a shell with the fish from me as it's easier to catch and remove them once they've darted in for safety.

You'll have to make a small contribution to the fish food account as I've shelled out for my shells!! (snail free garden due to sandy soil.)

The male multies will dig the substrate in and around his shells until they hit the bottom of the tank and build ramparts at the edge of his territory , hence it might be a good idea to place a bit of flat slate or similar under the shells so that you don't get that bare tank reflection off the glass.

Originally posted by TaffyFish

I still think 5 gallons is a bit small but do-able, they'll not really have a territory in that there's nothing else in the tank with them? You are definitely going to need a mated pair as there's no room in a 5 gallon for a dispute! Can I suggest that we wait until I have a definite pair that have broken off?

You'll have to make a small contribution to the fish food account as I've shelled out for my shells!! (snail free garden due to sandy soil.)

Hi Taffy

Your not going to belive this, Purple is trying to get me to buy another tank for the bedroom, we have 2 x5gals and it looks like we just might be going shopping for something bigger this weekend, addictive yup.... but I like them so maybe its going to all be worth it, so looks like if we get the new tank this weekend and if we get it set up and ready for them your more than welcome to inspect the new home :)

Let me know what the small contribution is and I will set it aside.

After this tank I am not getting more unless we move house, I do hope you understand that one Purple cos I know by summer we will need another tank *grin*

Thanks again Taffy.

Red (MrsPurple)


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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cheers Red, am keeping a watchful eye out for you, please don't feel any obligation or pressure, they're plenty safe enough where they are and growing nicely! ;-)

PS - cheers for the kind comments, am looking forward to seeing some of your soon