shells for my tanganyika tank


Medium Fish
Jan 1, 2004
Brooklyn, NY
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Yea, I am finally have my second tank and it been cycling for the past 3 week. I am setting up my second tank with Tanganyika cichlids. Most from the shell dweller species i think. I have a few multis coming my ways in a few week for my 25 gals tank.

I have sand and crush corals in the tank right now. I hear they shell dweller need shells. So i have been in the lfs and looking at some. But they are so expensive. I mean $3 buck for 2 shells? That ridiculous!!!

Where do you people get your shells and how much????


Large Fish
Aug 17, 2003
be careful of those craftstore shells as some of them have coatings on them...

you should be able to find escargot shells in your area. thats what i use and best of all they are sold as being food safe since they are meant to eat escargot out of...

i bought 18 escargot shells for $3