Should I Add anything to this tank or not...

May 19, 2003
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Contents of my 10g can be seen in my signature... The tank is heavily planted with fake plants, 3 rocks, and a driftwood. (Tank can be seen in the ratemytank section under my name)

I just found a dead Zebra today (i think the clawed frog [i thought it was a dwarf] might be suspect so he's been removed and will be returned) and I'm considering adding a 5th Zebra again, but wanted to see what you guys thought.

Are there any other colorful, beautiful fish that are peaceful, yet loners that i could throw in? I love my sole Dwarf Gourami as he is very bright orange/neon blue and he is friendly enough to survive with the corys and zebras. Anyone know of other fish like this??

Or should I just add my 5th Zebra again? Or leave it with the 7 fish I have?

May 19, 2003
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Would a female betta work?!

They have some pretty nice blue or red ones at the LFS now...

I'd consider adding one of these if you guys think its a go? I don't think I'll attempt adding a male betta with the nippy zebras and the bright dwarf gourami.

How bout a female though??

You might consider a small honey gourami. They are really neat looking (soft yellow) and I personally have been searching for some.

Does the gourami you have seem comfortable? I figured danios might be little too active to be in such a small tank with gouramis but if everyone is happy thats what counts.

How big are your danios? If they're pretty big already you might want to go with what you have for now. If not, I recommend honey gouramis. From what I see in the picture you have some space but pics can be decieving.

BTW thats really nice for a plastic planted 10. Looks great as is. Floating plants are a pain as pooky said.

May 19, 2003
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thanks guys.

the danios are all about 1" long, but well grown. zebra danios stay quite small, as opposed to giant danios...

the gourami is doing very well. he is quite comfortable with what is in there. he'll eat out of my hand and everything, and his colors are brilliant.

if i add anything, i figured it'll just be a 5th danio. unless they got maybe 3 ghost shrimp at the lfs. we'll see.

keep the opinions coming..