Should I change my salt ???


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I use Oceanic, thats what my LFS sells and I have'nt had any problems with my tank, fish or corals. My problem is when I am making up my water for the next weeks change in my brute 32g container. What I do is change out about 18g of water from my tank once a week, on Sundays, after I am done with the tank that day, I wash out and dry the container and start making my water for next weeks change, the next morning I add the salt to the container, I have a small power head and heater in the can. After about 4 days I start to see a film or skum on top of my water in the can not alot but some. when I pull the power head and heater out they have a grayish film type gunk on them. I skim the top of the water before I do my water change and have had no problems but I thought I would ask. At first IO thought it was something leaching out of the Brute can but it been thru enough water for that not to be the cause. Any thoughts?

Nov 11, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
I had the same thing when I was mixing my own water. But I used Red Sea salt. It's a slimy texture on whatever gets put in there. I have no definite answer but it isn't detrimental to my knowledge. I wouldn't change anything, especially if you're not seeing any adverse effects.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I highly doubt it's your salt. It could be you have some bacteria that are growing on the pump/heater. I will occasionally bleach out or soak my water make-up equipment in vinegar.

I usually start making my water-change water two or three days before the water change. It gives me enough time to check/test the salinity, but it doesn't sit around getting dust in it. Sure, it's covered, but I still feel better having it fresher.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I wasnt sure what it was, last week I made the water and didn't put the salt in till two days before the water change and the water didn't have a film in it ( I thought it might have been coming from my RO/DI unit) when the water stayed clear all week I figured it had to be coming from the salt. I have about 25g of water I keep made in 5g bottle water bottles and I rotate them for evaporataion, and they don't get that film in them. We get storms here where I live, thats why I try to keep the RO water on hand, if a storm is coming I will make more.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Lotus, you could be right, it could be something on my power head or heater, do you think it would be safe to soak both of those in some vinegar? I wipe them down with RO water after every use but stick them right back in the water.I think I will do like you and wait till about three days before the water change to make my water.