Should I get rid of my bio wheel ?


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
In my new 10g tank the slot for the filter sits kinda high and therefore the filter(Penguin Mini) doesnt reach in far enough to be flush with the water level and I cant raise the water level because it will overflow when i put my hand in it or im rough housing or moving around in my room. So the only way for me to quiet the filter that is very loud is to reduce the water flow and if i do that to a quiet level the bio wheel stop moving.

So are there any suggestions to quiet the splashing sound? Or can i just take off the bio wheel and try to ghetto rig it to one of my Whisper Filters on my 45g?

- depthC

Tough question. It seems like your new aquarium was designed to be used with certain kinds of filters.

The answer will depend on facts that you didn't provide:
Is the aquarium well established? Do you have another biological filtration going?

if the aquarium doesn't rely only on the BioWheel for biological filtration, then take it off. Good luck in getting connected to a Whisper (May be dificult).

Another option is to buy a small Fluval canister at an Internet shop to get it at a discounted price and fill it with lots of biological media.

I hope this helps you.


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Its some cheapo 10g acrylic tank from K-mart. Its not even cycled yet and i cant get the nitrites to show. Dunno why but this is the most frusterating tank ive had to cycle. Im sure i could take a saw to it and drop it down but i dont really want to do that. I guess im just gunna find some plastic or tear apart a plastic bottle and modify the flows drop level. Thanks

- depthC


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
Visit site
You can just use some apoxy to hold it on, I dont think that it is toxic, also they make a type of glue (I forgot what it is made of) for this very purpose. You can get a small peice of shale or slate or something and put that there to block the water flow, also you will want to watch the rock or plastic because it might become unsightly with all the algea that could grow on it.

Another option, I had to do this on an old tank and filter that made to much splash.

Get a 1 gallon plastic milk carton, cut the side out, then bend a lip in it and hand it on the front of the filter. The you can cut some slices in the part hanging down the front and bend them at slightly different angles. Now you can adjust how much splash / noise there is just by bending the parts hanging down.