After reading the post Can't net the fish, I am wondering if I should move my lemon tetras into my 30 gal. They hang out in a corner of the 50 gal in the plants. They aren't super active but neither do they seem stressed. Are they intimidated by the giant danios? Course, my LFS said they'd be fine together.
My 30 gal doesn't really have the room for extras because I have about 40 dalmation molly fry growing up and they will be released out of the breeder net in the next month or so. Would the glass catfish do better in the 50 gal with the danios? They seem of a similar temperment though to the lemons. Quiet, in a corner much of the time. Just pondering and want what is best for all my little fishies.
My 30 gal doesn't really have the room for extras because I have about 40 dalmation molly fry growing up and they will be released out of the breeder net in the next month or so. Would the glass catfish do better in the 50 gal with the danios? They seem of a similar temperment though to the lemons. Quiet, in a corner much of the time. Just pondering and want what is best for all my little fishies.