should I move the Lemon Tetras?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
After reading the post Can't net the fish, I am wondering if I should move my lemon tetras into my 30 gal. They hang out in a corner of the 50 gal in the plants. They aren't super active but neither do they seem stressed. Are they intimidated by the giant danios? Course, my LFS said they'd be fine together.

My 30 gal doesn't really have the room for extras because I have about 40 dalmation molly fry growing up and they will be released out of the breeder net in the next month or so. Would the glass catfish do better in the 50 gal with the danios? They seem of a similar temperment though to the lemons. Quiet, in a corner much of the time. Just pondering and want what is best for all my little fishies.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Hi there. :)

Have four lemon tetras. Fairly small, about an inch or less.

The 30 gal has:

Glass catfish = 5 and are about 1.5" each.

Mollies = 4 huge ones nearly 2", three juvies, and a mess of fry. Swordtails - one is 1.5 and the other is 2" for the males w/ sword. Also have two other juvies that are either female swordtails or gold dust mollies without any black markings yet.

Couple of emerald cories and a 3" pl*co.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You know that 30 sounds pretty much stocked.
I would put the lemon tetras in the 50.
But.. as you know, tetras are most comfortable as a school. four is not really a school and explains their shyness. I would recommend get 10 more, even more if possible, and put them in the 50 gallon. they will look astonishing.


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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Hi Dana,

Well, I'm "can't net fish guy" and I can only say that, as soon as I removed the danios from the tank -- i mean, almost immediately -- the lemons seemed very happy. These were two lemons who had been hiding and appearing very sickly only moments earlier. It was amazing.

Keep in mind -- I never saw a lot of danio/tetra hassling -- if major nipping was going on, it happened when i wasn't looking.

Yesterday, once all the danios were out, I added 4 more lemons to those two who were left from the first batch. Ever since, they've all been schooling, playing, and hanging out -- and NOT in the back of the tank, but in the front/middle/bottom.

It's a whole different world without the Giants in there. I personally would say separate them!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Oh boy. Y'all give me something to think about. I do like the danios but are not wed to them. Just DREAD thinking about catching em.!!!!!! I got the four lemons cuz that's all they had. I try to get large school of the schooling fishies. And I will look for more lemons. In the meantime, I will think about getting the Danios out and get some small zebras instead maybe. What about switching the glass catfish and the lemons? Would that make any difference??? Thanks for the info and if I do remove the danios you will definitely hear about the process!!!!!

tetra girl

Large Fish
Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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just a question - how do your tiger barbs get along with your lemons? i have usaully found that the barbs will get a bit aggressive towards the lemon as the tigers get biger so keep an eye out for that. I moved my school of 13 lemons to a 4 foot (which i think is abut 60 gallons???) and they absolutly love it! they are with only tetras and their colours look amazing. they love playing in my tall plants and arn't even scared of me going up to the tank now!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Tiger barbs are quite small right now. The lemons are hanging out in the plants so I can't really say how they are gettign along with anyone. I am trying to get a larger school but I go to one store, they only have 2, go to another they have 1. In time, my school will be larger - up to six now and workign on it.