Should I put a betta with some shrimps in a tank?


Small Fish
Nov 30, 2011
I was thinking of putting just a Betta in a new tank and some shrimps but I've just read that Betta's shouldn't be with shrimp?! Is there anything else I could put with it if I do get one or would I indeed be to put shrimp in there as well?


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
Your betta well eat the shrimp, that's why they recommend not doing it. Male bettas can be tough, tho I have mine in the live-bearer tank (mostly platys). He's a pretty mellow guy tho, and doesn't bother the lone guppy (also a mellow guy).

What size tank? bettas enjoy having the place to themselves. If you really want shrimp, go with a small species of fish that wouldn't bother them like galaxy rasboras or guppies... Most fish see shrimp as a food source.

Feb 27, 2009
If you really want shrimp, go with a small species of fish that wouldn't bother them like galaxy rasboras or guppies... Most fish see shrimp as a food source.
My Danio margaritatus (you called them galaxy rasbora) love red cherry shrimp. Even adult shrimp, about the same size as the fish, would be torn apart by them.

However, my Badis badis (about the same size as a betta) completely ignore the shrimp. I've even seen the shrimp climbing over and on the fish as they rested in their caves.

You can never tell with fish sometimes!