Its been awhile since I last posted, but I'm back in action. So since I've been gone I've pretty much just left the 30 completely alone so there are probably about 40 endlers in there. The red cherry shrimp haven't really done much multiplying, so their numbers are still fairly small. I set the fifteen gallon back up with and it has currently 3 or four black kuhli loaches (There used to be 6 but a few disappeared mysteriously). And there are 7 harlequin rasboras, and a Betta. I tried to plant it heavily but for some reason most of the plants just rotted and died, then algea started growing like crazy. I scrubbed it down, and will probably add a chunk of hornwort in there to keep the algea down.
Ok, now for the questions. I've really been craving some fish that grow larger then 2 inches, But I don't know of anything that will work well with the shrimp and guppies. I considered setting put a 45 gallon and taking down the 30 ( the 30 gallon stand will hold a 45), and getting an angelfish, but that would mean i would have to get rid of all the little guys, and I love those guys. I'm kind of stuck here, so can anyone help me out?
Ok, now for the questions. I've really been craving some fish that grow larger then 2 inches, But I don't know of anything that will work well with the shrimp and guppies. I considered setting put a 45 gallon and taking down the 30 ( the 30 gallon stand will hold a 45), and getting an angelfish, but that would mean i would have to get rid of all the little guys, and I love those guys. I'm kind of stuck here, so can anyone help me out?