Should I upgrade?


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Its been awhile since I last posted, but I'm back in action. So since I've been gone I've pretty much just left the 30 completely alone so there are probably about 40 endlers in there. The red cherry shrimp haven't really done much multiplying, so their numbers are still fairly small. I set the fifteen gallon back up with and it has currently 3 or four black kuhli loaches (There used to be 6 but a few disappeared mysteriously). And there are 7 harlequin rasboras, and a Betta. I tried to plant it heavily but for some reason most of the plants just rotted and died, then algea started growing like crazy. I scrubbed it down, and will probably add a chunk of hornwort in there to keep the algea down.

Ok, now for the questions. I've really been craving some fish that grow larger then 2 inches, But I don't know of anything that will work well with the shrimp and guppies. I considered setting put a 45 gallon and taking down the 30 ( the 30 gallon stand will hold a 45), and getting an angelfish, but that would mean i would have to get rid of all the little guys, and I love those guys. I'm kind of stuck here, so can anyone help me out?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
meh...get an angel, the little guys will tough it out. plant it with real or fake...line of sight gets broken=out of sight out of mind!!!

sometimes you just gotta try something and trust your gut. angels are community fish after all...just can have a nasty temper. or be complete scardey cats...cichlids and their personalioties :)


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Yeah it's fairly well planted right now, but the plants I'm usin are more medium light plants so they are growing slow. I've got a HUGE mass of hornwort for them too, but I'll probably get a bunch of lower light plants to fill things up. So plants shouldn't be a problem. It is a good idea to upgrade the tank though,


Thanks for the advice sofar! And I'll try to get some pictures up soon as well:)

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Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
get the biggest tank you can afford and have rom for....once the hobby kicks in you always gotta have bigger and more! larger tanks give you the chance to experiment with other fish too.
you could try a black ghost knife or elephant nose, love them both. and they grow so slow that a 45g would be fine....the BGK i had would take worms out of my hand, very utgoing even when the lights were on. :)
you could also look into some dwarf cichlids-apistos or rams. depends on your set up but i havnt noticed my apistos in the past being super aggressive and i kept my discus in a very community tank with no issues....even had a convict baby grow to about 2 inches before being eaten by an eel in the tank with my discus that never got ate as a fry, and he was bullied around a lot. :)

with a larger tank, you have a lot of options. just decide what fish you like. look at the areas of the tank. top (hatchets), mid(tetras), bottom(dwarf cichlids, catfish), and then some fish go all over (angels).


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
The bigger fish don't much work with the shrimp... At least I havn't had any luck with them and shrimp, even the larger ghost shrimp (1.5")were eaten... So I just got more tanks ;)
The elephant nose are cool. I originally wanted one of those, but opted for the baby whale instead. Very cool fish. Very smart too, so you want to make sure you have stuff for it to do in the tank. I had a little floating decoration I it would play around with. Then the decoration sank... Now he seems bored and bothers the other fish more. He grew oetry quick tho. Took him maybe 5 months to grow 2" (doubled in size).
Have fun!


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
Thanks everyone for the inspiration! I'm kinda feelin like I'm gonna take your advise fuzz and just try something completely new. I could just sell a bunch of the endlers and just throw a few of them and the cherry shrimp in the ten gallon. I had planned out a sweet paludarium type thing for the ten gallon as well so maybe I could do that. This will probably be a long process, but maybe it will be worth it! Thanks everyone again! More suggestions are welcome for stocking the ( hopefully) 45 gallon tank!

And orangecones, it's good to see you're still trying to spread badis badis disease ;)

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