Shovel Mouth Pleco A.K.A. Rubber Nose Pleco A.K.A. ?????

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
This is a continuation from the previous thread. I recently purchased a pleco that was listed as a "Rubber Mouth Pleco" It also indicated that its max size was 5in. Again I have never heard of this type of Pleco???

It is a greyish color with a more flattened nose/mouth than a regular pleco. Anyone ever hear of such a pleco under this name? Info and/or web-sites with pleco informaition would be appreciated.



Small Fish
Nov 12, 2002
Visit site

first: best catfish site out there is
second: plecos are tough... we'll def. need more description to figure out what you have... true rubber mouths have a large mouth in proportion to their bodies. The moth in half oval in shape. Rubber mouths have a very flat profile and large mouth because of the fast flowing water that is their natural home. They vary in color from white to grey to green. I have found that most rubber mouths have an orange irradescent (sp) stomach which shows through their skin. This is especially evident in juveniles. I have seen rubber mouths in stores confused with clown plecos most commonly... but sometimes rubber mouths, and all other fish for that matter, are magically given a special fancy name to help get it into your tank... hope the website is helpful

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
Hey thanks for the site. I will check it out tonight. Also your description sounds right on. Additionally, thee are marks on the back which seem to outline the bony plates. These run perpendicular to the length of the body and bend about midway up. Almost like a bunch of V's pointing toward the tail.

Ok . . . did I just confuse everybody or what? :rolleyes:

Thanks again.


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2002
Visit site
ah the plecos

The words pleco and confusing are synonyms. The description you tendered about 'v's are typical of almost all pleco body armor. If my description came close then you were most likely sold a fish belonging to the Chaetostoma sp. In the pet stores this family is lumped into one fish called the rubber, rubber mouth, rubber nose, and the bulldog... just to name a few. I suggest you browse the pics of the species at in order to determine the exact species... good luck

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
Thank You! I checked out that site . . . it was amazing. I cannot believe how much information that site has about all the different catfishes.

By the way you were right the one I have is chaetostoma cf. thomsoni and there is a great picture of it accompanying the information of this fish. I guess my descripton left a little bit to be desired huh :)

Thanks again. By the way do you know of any other sites on the same level as that one that deal with other fishes (tetras, gouramis etc.)? This site is good but not nearly as complete as the catfish site.



Small Fish
Nov 12, 2002
Visit site

Glad the info was helpful... but that site is the only trick in my book... I know a couple good reference sites but they are much more technical then what you are looking for... sorry, glad I could help though