shrimp compatibility.

I'm guessing shrimp are like bottom feeders so i'll post it here, I have a 5 gal eclipse corner tank and there are two amano shrimps in there, I was wondering if i add in 4-5 cherry shrimps will they be able to live peacefully? I know that ghost shrimps don't like it if there's like too many in a small tank so i won't be adding them. but will cherries and amano's be able to live together without killing each other? and will i have to get another small hiding place? cause the current U joint pvc tube houses the amano's ( i see them sleep there at night). The tank is empty with no fish right now (will add only 2 guppies probably or 1 betta). would it be ok to do such a thing? or will i cause a turf war on the land down below? right now the two shrimps seem content with one sifting through the fake corals and the other swimming against the current and trying to get into my filter intake alot(must like the fresh filtered water cause i got a 1/2 cup of carbon in there).


Medium Fish
Mar 27, 2004
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I think that ghost shrimp and amano shrimp will get on together. Don't expect them to go round the hand holding hands or claws or whatever you want to call the things on the end of their limbs, but I don't think there'll be any fighting.
The mix may even benefit your tank as the cherrys eat types of algae that the amanos don't.
Now with the fish. Maybe two normal size guppies would be a bit much, what type of filter do you have? There is always feeder guppies which are the same but smaller and I have seen some with better colouring than normal sized ones.
The siames fighter may be a pottential problem with the guppies. I have mine in a community and have kept another in a small 5 gallon both with guppies. It could just depend on the fish's temperment itslef but if I was you I would aim to buy a fish that is already in an aquarium with other long finned fish in the pet shop.
Hope I answered your question.


Small Fish
Apr 16, 2004
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If you get some tall plants then the shrimp can use the vertical space in the tank as well as the fish. I have both real and plastic plants in my tank and my cherry shrimp are hanging onto them all the time eating algae. My Amanos have gotten too big to hang onto the plants without them bending. :)