shrimp-friendly bottom dwellers


Small Fish
Oct 19, 2006
Maryland, USA
Hi all,

I just upsized and am now in the process of cycling a 26 gallon planted fw tank. I was going to put my yoyo loaches in there, but I'd really like to have shrimp in this tank. Won't yoyos each the shrimps?

What would be some good scavenger suggestions that could live in relative peace with shrimp?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I think you'd definitly have no shrimp in with yoyos. I think Kuhli loaches or cory cats would be a better choice, I suggest Kuhlis! :D I'm not a fan of cories.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I've kept YoYos and Angelicas loaches in with amano shrimp without any problems. But the tank was very heavily planted and I never see the shrimp unless I'm doing a tank break down. However the shrimp have made it for over a yr and haven't been eaten.

A lot is going to do with your tank conditions/decor and what kind of shrimp you are going to keep. Not all of them can reproduce in a FW environment but keeping the ones that do with ANY fish that has a mouth other than sucker types will gobble up baby shrimp so don't really ever expect to be able to "raise shrimp" in this tank.


Small Fish
Oct 19, 2006
Maryland, USA
I do love kuli loaches and they have the added benfit of keeping the snails in check... I've never really kept corry cats.

In the past I've kept mainly Japonica and ghost shrimp. I've not had any luck at all with other species of shrimp. The Japonicas seem pretty tough and fast. They usually live quite long, happy little lives. The ghosties live for a long time too, until they molt. Then they seem to be tasty treats. But I love watching them color up - I think they're very attractive, and only 10-cents a piece. They're aggresssive little beasties though.


Small Fish
Oct 19, 2006
Maryland, USA
Thanks for all the ideas.

I will probably go to the LFS next Sunday and hopefully they will have some kuhlis. They can be awfully hard to find around here (Maryland). Is it the same for folks in other locations?

I will also look at what they have in the lines of small plecos, like a pitbull. Or maybe butterfly/hill stream loaches? They stay relatively small, right? Otos are so great and it's fun to watch them play in groups, but I have a hard time keeping them alive. Maybe in a few months after the tank has aged?

Has anyone had success with otos?


Large Fish
Dec 7, 2006
Lancaster, S.C.
From what I read on this board and others Otos are a little difficult. A lot of times they pass within 24-48 hours of being introduced to a new tank.

I had the same problem as you with otos and lost 3 in my tank. Did a little research (which I should have done in the first place) and found out the algae that was in the tank either wasn't enough or wasn't the correct kind that they like to eat.
The last one that I've gotten I started out feeding Zucchini by cutting it in to a sliver and microwaving the slice for about 20-30 seconds in some water then hanging it in the tank on a veggie clip. After it was in the tank for about 12 hours he started happily nibbling away at it. Since then though I've upgraded the lighting in the tank and started growing nice algae for him to eat and he's quite happy and has plenty of food, always pooping green. :) This is something that I never saw from the other ottos that survived the initial days then passed later. I think they may have died from starvation. :(
Now its just a matter of finding that right balance to grow just enough algae to sustain his needs without letting it overwhelm the tank.


Large Fish
Oct 21, 2005
Ithaca, NY
Otos are a little difficult but they are a great fish once you know how to acclimate them and take care of them. They are very sensative and need to be aclimated slowly. They are also a scaleless fish and are highly sensative to copper. You have to be careful with what fertilizer and medications you put in the tank because many are toxic to these guys. They are great algae eaters though and don't add to the bioload too much. I had one for a while and now i have 2 and they are inseperable. They are practically on top of each other sometimes. They're so cute. I highly recomend them.