Hey everyone, I have a problem. Every time I try to buy shrimp they die. For now I've been buying ghost shrimp since they are 3 for a dollar. So heres exactly what happens. I buy the shrimp and bring them home. I acclimate them for 45 minutes adding water every 10 minutes(first one five minutes). Then they seem fine after being let out but by the next morning they are dead. I've known that meds for fish can kill the shrimp. And the only thing I put in my tank was Aquari-Sol which was 3 months ago to try to cure a body fungus on my GBR. It says on the bottle DO NOT USE WITH INVERTABRATES. Well I would think that it would be gone by now with weekly water changes of 30%. Anyway, I have not use meds since. When I do water changes, and fill my tank back with water, I put in start right. I have DIY Co2, and I dose FloraPride Fertilizer every other day. Does anyone know why shrimp can't live in my tank? I had cherry shrimp before and they last 2 months because my GBR eventually got to them. I don't know what the problem is. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.