Shrimp Question


Medium Fish
Apr 12, 2006
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
i currently have a banded coral shrimp in my tanks and i just got two more shrimp to add to the tank a cleanner shrimp the red with the white stripe along his back and a camel shrimp i was wondering if the banded coral shrimp will attack the other two since it looks more agressive and it already had the camel for dinner i just found out a couple of hours after i added the new ones and i was looking for the camel but i found him on the banded coral claws he was eating him and i want to know if he would attack the cleanner shrimp since hes more docile and wont have big claws to defend himself should i get the bande out or he just prey on smaller prey cause the camel was kinda of small i need info quick cause i dont want to lose the cleanner i need him in the tanks thanks


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
in large enough tanks it is ok to keep them (which a 55 is imo) but coral banded shrimps can be aggressive and since he has been in the tank for some time he has already established his territories.

Since he has already made quick work off the camel back shrimp I wouldnt be surprised if he eventually did in the cleaner. Its hard to say if he will do it for sure but I think the camel shrimp incident is a good picture


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My cbs tolerated some blood shrimp for a while, but then dismantled them. It's pretty much 50:50 on how it will deal with other shrimp.. Those things are pretty much indestructible - mine lives with a Canthigaster puffer which you would assume to destroy it at will, but so far the cbs is boss.


Small Fish
Sep 19, 2006
~speaking of shrimp...

I just added 2 large blood shrimp on Tuesday to my 75 gal tank which has 2 percs hosting in a green bta (laying eggs 2x/month!) in the middle of the tank, a yellow tang who patrols and protects those two from the big ole clarkii living in the green carpet anemone on the other side of the tank. There is also a rose anemone who wanders about on the opposite side of the tank occasionally. Oh, and 2 large emerald crabs and a serpent star.
I acclimated the shrimp slowly by drip method (done it many times before) and when I finally released them, one seemed to be in shock and was pretty slow moving about, the other was totally normal. By the time they were released it was midnite, so we all went to bed.
On Wednesday, there was absolutely NO SIGN of the slow shrimp. Not a body part~Nothing! WHAhappened?
I have had 2 blood shrimp before (even when they moult, no one eats all the moult, there are usually parts floating about on the sand) in this tank for a year until the air conditioning broke this summer and the tank overheated, and I lost them--as well as some unwanted flatworms!
Now my remaining shrimp looks petrified all alone in the corner under a rock.
Should I get him another pal ($44!!!) or is it possible the emeralds are getting too big to be safe for shrimps???*crazysmil


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Could be the crabs, could be the clarkii. But if it expired in the night due to stress from the move, I wouldn't expect to see too much the next morning. My CBS was disappeared entirely the next morning.