
Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
do they put off a huge bioload? or are they like oto's?

also how fragile are there bodies? reason i ask if i can get some in my 55g that are around 1 1/2" then they wouldnt fit in any of my fishs mouth but since they are shrimp will any of my fish be more tempted to try and eat?

how fast are they? do they have any defense mechanisms?

the shrimp ive been thinking about getting, which is why im asking about bioload because i would like to put in the 11g like 5-10 of them (a even variety), but here they are Singapore Flower Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis), Red Crystal Shrimp (Caridina sp.), Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis), & Japonica Amano Shrimp (Caridina japonica)


Large Fish
May 7, 2006
Winter Haven Florida
I have the Red cherry shrimp and Amanos atm. Red crystal take a bit more care and specific water parameters. I would advise against the Cherries and Crystals for sure, the yoyos and shark would prolly eat them or stress them to death. The singapore should be fine though. As far as bioload, shrimp do not put out much at all.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
how about the Japonica Amano Shrimp?

in wise of doing the 11g hex that is soon to come then, i should be fine with going 2 of each of those and do a small school of danios or tetras

for the 55g though i would be fine to put the singapore though? is that because of them being able to get up to 4"?


Large Fish
May 7, 2006
Winter Haven Florida
Yeah amanos would be fine in the 11g, the more you have the more active they will be too. The singapore would be fine in the 55g i think, yes due to the size it can reach. Amanos "might" be ok in the 55 if the tank is planted very densely.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
I used to buy small ghost shrimp to place in my 10G as a sort of cleanup crew. They would all eventually get eaten, although, there was one that I have had for over a year. That little guy is a ninja, I won't see it for a while and out of nowhere it'll go zipping past the front glass.