Shy and Hiding Cichlids


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Yes - have the tank relocated, cycled and planted.  Have added 6 cichlids.  The LFS described them as

3 yellow "labs"      no bigger than 2 inches each
3 electric blue "bull heads"   no bigger than 3 inches each

I had 3 books with me, and could not find electric blue bull heads.  They look fairly normal - not head bumps, not strange markings or stripes - nice fins, a lyre type tail...

The labs are the basic labs - nice and bright yellow.  One has the black stripe across the top of his dorsal fin.

The question is - there are 6 fish in this 55 gal tank, and you never see them.  I created some great caves and rock ledges - plus some planted areas - and they fish must be quiet content amongst the rocks OR scared to death and hide 24/7   They are the only fish in this tank.   What is the best course of action?
1)  "dither" fish?  If so, what type?
     Tank is 55 gal,  pH around 8.0,  GH ~ 110
      temp around 76-77F
      NH3/NH4 negative,  NO2  negative,  NO3 less than 15
      planted - but in areas, not throught
      extensive rocks and caves  
2)    add more of the same/different cichlids
      what kind, how many

Would like to make these fishes happy - they are spectacular and the showpiece of the living area!


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It took my electric labs a week or so before they'd come out.  I think dither fish will help a lot - I've used various danios to do it, and now I'm using dwarf rainbowfish, Melanotaenia maccullochi - they're fast colourful, like hard water and live in the top 1/2 of the tank.
 Planted tank - ! - my labs love to really get hold of plants and pull them up, plus they nibble them a bit anyway.  I have no idea electric blue bull heads are - I think your lfs made it up.  If you only have trios you might have problems if there's more than 1 male - the males will fight, and both will pester the single female continuously for sex.  But electric yellows, and most mbuna are pretty easy to sex.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
After several days of my husband and son standing in front of the tank, pointing at nothing, saying things like   "OOooo - I like the colors on that invisible fish..."    and   "Look Mommy - there's,    oh,     never mind."    I had to do something.  So I went to a different LFS and spoke with the owner.   He said pretty much what you guys are saying - that they were spooked.        I asked him about dither fish, and he said don't bother - just give them some time.
I decided to get a couple more while I was there (2 yellow and 2 blue).  These were a little smaller than the first bunch so I thought that might help with the fear factor.
Wow - I added those four fish and it was amazing.  The original fish came out into the open almost immediately, and guarded the entrances to the best caves - like bouncers at a night club.  It took a few hours, but everybody calmed down, everything is fine - and nobody hides anymore.
I can't begin to imagine what it would be like if there had been a breeding pair in there!

Not a one of these guys have as much as nipped at a plant... and there! now I have cursed it.  The blue ones sometimes will pick up a few pieces of gravel and then spit them out - but don't touch the plants.  

And as for fishless cycle:  I added 10 cichlids to an tank that had not seen fish - that had been cycled only with household ammonia.  Those cichlids have been in that tank for about 1 week, and couldn't ask for better water parameters.  

I will never doubt you again...