Siamese Algae Eater

Feb 1, 2004
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I have just found some (from what I can tell) SAEs at a local garden centre, they were labelled as flying foxes.
I had been reading up for a while to find a suitable algae eater for my tank. Its very difficult to tell the difference but the fish I have has only a single barb either side of its chin, clear fins and the black line goes right to the end of his tail, so im as confident as can be its a genuine SAE.
There were two more in the tank, so my question is would he be happier with the 2 others or on his own??? I can not find a definitive answer online.
Ive plenty of room in my 100 gallon tank.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yeah youd want as many as 5 of them they are social. if you can only get 3 then get all 3.

i used to keep 5 in a 40 gallon. after 2 years ended up with only 3 because one was bullied into starving basically (or maybe parasites) and another one jumped the open top tank. the rest 3 were fine together. they were fine from the beginning.

but if you only get one it may get aggressive with your other fish. when in a school they keep aggression to themselves.

Feb 27, 2009
the fish I have has only a single barb either side of its chin, clear fins and the black line goes right to the end of his tail, so im as confident as can be its a genuine SAE.
I agree you have the true SAE based on your description. Only the SAE (Crossocheilus siamensis) and Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus) have the stripe continue onto the tail. If they have only 2 barbs total, its SAE.

I agree with Newman that you could safely keep several in that sized tank, depending on the other tankmates. I've kept 6 in a 75gallon with zero issues.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I love my SAE's. I've got three in my 55g tank. I love the way they prop themselves up on their fins when resting, but they don't rest much. They're very personable fish and do a dance with their bellies up against the glass anytime they see me approach the tank. It's like they're made to have a top hat on, hold a cane and do a little song and dance for you. They've grown quite large. One's gotta be close to 4" long.