Siamese Algae Eater.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Last week I added a Siamese Algae Eater to my tank. I didnt know if he was a real algae eater or not, I had heared so much about people not getting real ones I figured I probably would too, which was fine as I got him because I like him, wasnt really bothered about algae. Anyway now all my algae is gone and my dulled structures are clean, so it turns out he is a real algae eater, with no more algae to eat. I thought he would just eat food when it fell to the bottom but he hasnt been, and all day is searching around and sucking on things for algae. What can I do? I have a few plants in there to help with algae growth but theyre not putting it out fast enough. I dont want him to die of hunger.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
well ,he could still be a false algae eater but is young and likes algae still.when they get old is when they lose their taste for algae.try feeding it shrimp pellets,bottom feeder wafers,bloodworms.prettey much whatever they like give it to them.false sae's don't seem to be too gold sae eats anything i offer.but he still takes care of some alage too.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
yea i seen that the other day.i've been moving up.slow and steady.thats just because i spend too much time here though.
i wouln't worry too much about your catfish getting too much because sae's fend for themselves pretty well.i know mine does ok against my yoyo loaches,and they are mean when it comes time to eat.