Hi, I'm a new member. I've had my tank set up for just over a year now. Its a small tank only 10 gallons however I am upgrading to a larger tank in a few months. I have a variety of fish including 2 catfish, several platy's and platy fry in a small breeding tank ( they are getting moved to another tank this week to free up space, just letting the tank cycle for a bit!) a molly and one angel fish. The other angelfish died recently and i'm gutted! Basically before that angel died it was still feeding fine but went very shy and would stay in one corner of the tank, it had been in the tank about 6 months. No signs of disease on the outside and no boyancy problems. My other angel is now doing exactly the same, its normally very active. But i have also noticed that it looks like it has some marks on it, like the scales are coming off? I have noticed these before but they seemed to heal on their own. My temp is currently at 78 and ammonia is 0, all other tests show normal water quality! Help don't wanna loose this one!
PS sorry for the essay! lol
PS sorry for the essay! lol