sick betta


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
I recently added a dwarf gourami, 6 embers and 3 guppies to my tank in the span of 2 days. I got hit with a case of impulse buying and adding fish a lot faster than i have in the past. This sent my tank into a mini cycle. My ammonia was at .5, nitrites at .25 and nitrates at between 20-40 (it was darker than the 20 but not as dark as the 40). I went ahead and did a 20% water change. A few hours after the wc i notice that my betta was losing color and seemed less active than usual. I know that gouramis and bettas dont always get along but my betta is extremely passive and i watched him carefully after i got the gourami. The two stayed at opposite sides of the tank and completely ignored each other. This morning the betta looked even worse, stayed at the bottom of the tank and was extremely skittish. I decided to move him to a 1 gal fish bowl that i have to give him some peace. His color has continued to get worse and he just ever so slowly swims (almost floats) around the surface of the bowl. is there anything i can do?

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Sounds like he just stressed himself to death. All the new addictions at once was probably too much for him. Sometime they can be funny little creatures like that. The only thing different you could have done was not move him. It probably just added to his stress. [/speculation]

Sorry he didn't make it.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Very sorry for your loss! :(

Alot of Bettas prefer to live alone. Even the ones that seem placid may do a complete one 80, and either get mad:mad: or freak out:eek: . If you ever want to get another Betta for your community tank, try locating a shop that has some already living with other fish. Female Bettas can be a good choice and there are some very pretty ones out there.