*SICK* betta


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Ok my betta fish looks like he has a big white pimple on his head. It started off small I thought it was just part of the natural light witeish blue mark he has on his head. Well it got so big now it looks like a pimple that is ready to pop. Just wondering if its a tumor or ich I am treating the tank with aquarium salt and blue menthonal since betta fix didn't work. Another question can too much salt kill them? If you have an idea what it might be and how to cure it, I would really appreciate it thanks. here are 2 pics. However he has been eating fine and building beautiful bubble nests so don't know what to think.


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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
YES, too much salt can kill them (I have no idea how much is too much, though). Too much anything can kill them, I suspect. Like too much medicine.

It doesn't sound like ich, the ich would be many spots and they don't really grow and then burst, they appear and then kinda scab and fall off... The pics don't look like ich either. I suspect it is a tumor :(. No cure, but as long as he's eating and happy I wouldn't do anything about it.

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Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I hope its not a tumor. I remember seeing this on my bfs cory fish and it popped and the poor fish died from a hole in the head. My cory had the same sort of thing, but i put salt in and it went away, I am hoping for the same results on my poor little aries guy. :( I just cleaned his stank this morning and put salt only. The blue menthenol is for most fish diseases, and sores. The lady at the pet store told me it would not hurt them. I used it with flounder and he is now healthy so I am hoping for the same outcome.

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Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
He had it maybe for a month and last week it looked bigger than before and now it looks like a big white thing sticking out of a hole, that you can almost grab it with your finger and pull it out.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
was looking at aries today and I thibk the spot might look a little smaller. I have been putting betta fix in the water so maybe that is helping a bit plus with the salt. Hope he gets better, but one thing his appetite is not affected he is still my baby piggy lol. Also he made a big bubble nest so can't be really sick.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Well with lots of use of betta fix and salt my little guy's dot has disapeared TG. Now however it looks like another is starting on his gill do I am still putting betta fix in the water till the tiny little white dot is gone. So far so good though. *BOUNCINGS