sick betta

Dec 29, 2002
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My first 2 bettas I bought from Walmart....oops....but oh well...they are doing really nice, not a single complaint about them...besides they are "underwater pigs" and not fish (think they hate me for not giving them MORE food than they need)...anyhow, wife and I got 2 more bettas...these 2 are not anything like my first 2. First of all, I feed mine everyday....these ones, have yet to eat, has been almost a week. One seemed to have the right gill sticking out a little bit. I checked a few sites for fish illnesses/diseases, tried to match his conditions, and figure out what medication, if any, to use. We got "Maracyn-Two", hoping it would cure him. It seems our attempts are failing, and we are going to lose the fish. :( I have thought maybe it was a change in diet, or maybe its just we bought him when it was already too late...any ideas? Also tried to ask the salesman from Walmart, reluctantly....and he told me bettas only eat maybe once a week...........yeah, right....but far as this one is concerned, he is starting to tilt sideways... :( any ideas for maybe getting him back to health? Or is it too late? I'll not take "take it back and exchange", that only gives the problem to some one else, and its not fair to the betta.