Sick Blue Gourami!!!!!

Aug 2, 2004
Princeton WV
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Ok ive typed this once ..tried to insert a pic and lost the whole here goes again without the pics.

and its good to see you all again.

I have a 3-4 inch Blue Gourami. Not a dwarf, a three spot ,I think. Anyway,
He had three, almost like slash marks on his left side, which at first I thought were fungus, because they had the puffy, fluffy white look. AND THEN....they turned Red. Followed by Red Streaking of Fins...and whisker thingys ( yep i hate that word too ), a pinkish hue around the mouth area, and red fecal matter. He is now in a 10 gal hospital tank alone.
He was moved from a 40 gal, that he shared with another gourami, 2 platty's, a pleco and a cory cat, and 4 small tiger barbs. He...the gourami...was the bully of the tank. We recently, as in last week lost one of the plattys to pop eye. Sad, but it wasnt caught in time, and treatment didnt work. Didnt know if that could be related or not, so I threw it in there. Water conditions in both tanks are within normal limits. We're anal about water changes. Actually these are the first two problems we have had in ages. NO ONE IS IMMUNE!!! *crazysmil
Hope you all are doing exceptionally well

Aug 2, 2004
Princeton WV
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Thanks, I looked at those pics earlier and couldnt decide between the two....Since the areas in the beginning looked abraded. Not like they just appeared as red spots. and only the slash areas looked white in the beginning ...not like he was covered in a film or anything..but ill take your advise and hit "Wet Pets" tomorrow, for an antibiotic.
I also read some articles on "Red Pest" earlier ...wasnt sure if it was that either.. Thanks for replying so fast !!!