Sick Blue Gourami


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2007
Western Kentucky
Recently, I purcahsed a Blue Gourami and a Gold Gourami. I thought they were both female but I could be wrong. They both shared a 20H witha common pleco. The gold took control of the tank and harrassed the blue until she hid and infected the tank with Ich. I moved her into a 10g hospital tank that I had set up earlier. I have never kept gouramis or aggressive fish, and the blue is still hiding and looking very sick in the hospital tank. She just sits at the bottom and her color is very pale. I have coppersafe in the hospital tank. She had a large chunk of her tail fin bit off as well. Any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
champ3000 said:
Recently, I purcahsed a Blue Gourami and a Gold Gourami. I thought they were both female but I could be wrong. They both shared a 20H witha common pleco. The gold took control of the tank and harrassed the blue until she hid and infected the tank with Ich. I moved her into a 10g hospital tank that I had set up earlier. I have never kept gouramis or aggressive fish, and the blue is still hiding and looking very sick in the hospital tank. She just sits at the bottom and her color is very pale. I have coppersafe in the hospital tank. She had a large chunk of her tail fin bit off as well. Any suggestions?

You could try a little Melafix, to help her regrow that fin (I've read conflicting info about treating Gourami with Melafix, I've done it, and had good results).

If you are certain the Gold Gourami is the aggressor, I wouldn't put them back together. If you do want to give it another go though, do this.

Take the gold Gourami Out
Rearrange the tank (Move the caves and such)
Introduce the Blue Gourami back into the tank FIRST (lets her claim a spot first)
Then put the gold one back in (I'd keep her the quarantine overnight, while the blue one adjusts)

This may not work, and you may very well end up returning one of the gourami.

As far as putting the blue gourami in quarantine....If she does indeed have Ich, then your 20H has it as well, you will need to address the Ich issue in that tank too.

A side note, That Common Pleco is going to outgrow that tank in no time (They get huge, I've heard up to 18" and more).

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If the gouramis are inclined to fight, they probably will never get along in a 20g... There's just not enough area for them to have separate territories. In a bigger tank, then what Denny suggested would be the right steps to reintroduce them but a 20g high doesn't have enough surface area for two 4" territorial fish.

With the blue separated from the gold, she should recover fine as long as you are treating her ich properly. She might just take a little time... she should hide less and feel more comfortable if you've got more in the way of decorations/hiding spots in the 10g for her while she recovers.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2007
Western Kentucky
i treated the 20g too... the ich in that tank cleared up fast... the blue still has it really really bad though... the hospital tank is good as far as decoration... thanks for the help though guys.. i appreciate it...