sick cat's


Medium Fish
Mar 18, 2003
wales, uk
Visit site
my water recently went bad and was all cloudy and had amonia in it. it's okay now but my pictus cats look real sick. They swim around with their moths open and the edges of their mouths are all red and look like they're bleeding. Also on the tops of their heads they look like they are bleeding under their skin or something all these red patches are showing through. I havent seen them eating although they are still pretty active...yesterday one of them was just swimming round and round near the surface of the tank but today he's back at the botttom again. I have added aquarium salt to my tank as i know that these fish are hard to treat with medicine what can i do and what's wrong with them?


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Skatoholic is right pictus cats dont have scales. I had 2 pictus one i bought about a year ago (4 inch) and, an other I bought about 2 months ago (2 inch). After the smaller one had red patches around its mouth and the barbels on it left side all rotted off, he also kept, what can only be described a spinning in the water. He would spin for about 15 secondes and the swim normal for a while before starting again. He died before I could treat him.