Sick Cherry Barbs and Corydora - need help with meds, please


Small Fish
Sep 3, 2009
New Jersey
Hi Everyone -
Looking for some advice again...
I currently have a 45 gallon FW tropical tank. Tank has an Aqueon 30 HOB filter and an Eheim Ecco Pro 2236 canister filter. The water parameters are, I believe, ideal. ammonia=0, nitrite=0 and nitrate=around 10ish. I have 5 adult zebra danios, 6 adult albino corydoras and 7 adult cherry barbs. I also have one of those breeder nets with a bunch of zebra danios hanging at the top of the tank. I'm still very new to fishkeeping and this is the first outbreak of disease I'm dealing with so I have a few questions about meds. I've recently noticed (within the last 2 weeks) 2 of my female cherry barbs looking slim. Well, as of the last 3 days, one looks completely emaciated. After lots of reading online, I knew to look at her poo and noticed it was white. I'm assuming this means some sort of internal parasite. Also, at the same time I have one albino corydora with a patch of white cottony fuzz on his side fin. I'm assuming this some sort of fungal infection based on the threads and info I've read online. At any rate, I have a small five gallon tank with a filter and mini heater (which doesn't go above 75-76 degrees) set up as a hopsital tank. My questions are:
Since two cherry barbs are showing similar symptons of parasites in the main tank, should I just go ahead and treat the whole tank? Since the corydora has something different going on, should I treat him for the fungal infection in the hospital tank seperately? Also, I bought these medicines today, Jungle Parasite Clear tank buddies - Jungle Anti-Parasite medicated fish food - and Mardel Maroxy for the fungal infection... will these meds work on the illnesses I described? Will they hurt the corydoras? Can I use them all together in the main tank? Any advice is appreciated...