sick clown loach ?

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
one of my clown loach has been acting wierd for a few days lately it's been hiding alot more than usual hasn't been eating but now it's coming out more and breathing really fast and not eating, same thing happened to my rams and my swordtail and they died a weeklater they didn't die at the same time but within the past few weeks there's no visible signs of a parasite or fungus
i wanna know what is happeneingand what do i need to use to treatthem since they are sensitive to meds


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would treat the loach with whatever meds you got and not worry about the sensitivity. Melafix is one that's okay to use on scaleless fish, and I know there are certain meds out there that are also made to be scaleless fish sensitive, but I don't know their names.

If your loach is swollen, it could be dropsy, and that is usually uncurable. If you can, get it into a q-tank and up your temp to about 80oF, and treat with medication, and see if you can't get it to eat antibiotic flake. Sometimes dropsy can be cured, sometimes not, but you have to treat the loach like an intensive care patient for awhile and hope he comes out of it.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Coppersafe is what I use for my clown loached since they're sensitive to other meds. May have internal infection also. Try Maracyn-two and Coppersafe. Raise tank temp at a rate of only 2 degrees per hour. They are warm water fish, about 86 degrees F. They should appear a little better with warm temp, makes them more active. Also try to feed medicated pellets or flakes, but not regular flakes. Ck there poop to see if it looks normal. If its whitish or stringy, they definitely have an internal infection. The Coppersafe should make them eat, if not the Maracyn-two with enter there system though there skin.  Also blood worms helps them purge they internals. *crazysmiley*

Oct 22, 2002
Were the rams new?  I got some rams after christmas and had a similiar problem both died, then my yoyo loaches got sick..   Gilling fast red around the gills.  I treated with metronidazole, droncit, maroxy.  I lost one loach but pulled the other one thru.  My other fish did fine, except one rummy nosed tetra.  I also ended up causing my biological filter to die off some and had the tank recycle (mini).  I now have a quarantine tank and quarantine for a minimum of 3 weeks.
Sorry about your fish.  I read on one site rams often have gill flukes.

Oct 22, 2002
I bought two clown loaches 2 weeks ago. After a couple of days I noticed that one was less active than the other and this week I noticed that he was not eating any of the food I was putting in the tank (sinking pellets and flakes) and the healthy one was gobbling up the pellets. He got thinner and thinner and dies this morning, just before I got home with some blood worm to try - I thought maybe it was the food I was feeding them, yet one was eating. It is a mystery.

Also, my guppies don't seem to live very long, maybe 4 months only (the males fight to the death until there is one, and the females just seem to die). I have never seen any evidence of sickness though.

Had Neons that just disappeared also.

Hmmmm.... sounds like a bit of a sob story.


60cm (11 Gallon) tank with live plants
Have a lot of algae in the substrate
1 clown loach now
about 20 guppies (1 male) - all really small
3 red rocks (hiding place for loach)
Feed flakes and pellets (now blood worm also)
pH is usually around 7.2
Nitrate and Amonia levels are always fine

Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong? :'(