sick coral and hippo tang

Jul 12, 2007
I have a 125 saltwater reef tank that I have had for about 2 years. In the last week I have a torch coral that seems to be dieing. Two of the branched have with drawn and show no sings of returning. I have cheeked the water condition and everything in with in range. I just notice yesterday that my tang has a round "black" dot above its eye. I have had the fish for about a year and never had any problems. In my tank I have several other differnet kinds of tangs, clowns, angles, gobies, ect. I also have more corals that don't seem right now to be effected by this problem. I don't know what to do. Dose anyone have any subjections.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Also, is there any brown jelly like stuff around the torch. They are susceptible to brown jelly disease.......also you say your water checks out, what exactly are the parameters


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Apart from the black dot, what else is wrong with the tang. Aggression is possible if you have a bunch of tangs in this comparatively small tank, and the resulatant stress can show as several things.

How many branches are there, how many look sick? Not too much can sting euphyllia. Have you tried a series of large water changes? What are your water parameters? What other corals look good. How much has it grown in the last two year, 3 months?