I got three dwarf puffers a few weeks ago, and two of them have been doing great from the start. The other one though, has always been skinnier than the others and his belly never seems to get round. In fact, it doesn't look like he can swallow the bloodworms for some reason. I hadn't seen him in two days and I looked all over the tank for him. Right now he is laying on the driftwood breathing heavily and his little belly is so sunken. He doesn't seem to have much control either, he's just kind of floating wherever the current goes. He is still alive and breathing, and his eyes are moving, but I don't think he has much time. Do you think its IP? I have some Jungle IP medication that you add to the water. Or could it be something else? Should I move him into a small bowl, or the 5.5 gallon that I have sitting in the basement? It's not cycled though