I'm afraid it may be too late for this fish - but what I need to find out is how to save the tankmates from getting sick.
Symptoms: sluggish, staying mainly on bottom, when she does go to the surface it appears to be difficult to reach, and she gulps multiple times. She is off her food for 3 days now. Belly may be a little swollen, scales are not proud.
One more thing: It appears that her face has changes. She was fairly blue and now her face is gray/blue. Her body and fins are still the original blue with red, but her face is weird - maybe even "bumpy" in several places.
So - what do you think is causing this? I do not see any worms, and I don't think the bumps are cysts - I'm guessing bacterial infection. She is, of course, in quarantine - I am wondering what, if anything besides a major tank cleaning and water change, I should do for the fish in the tank. (It's a 30 gal breeder - a grow out tank for plants and some very small tiger barbs)
Symptoms: sluggish, staying mainly on bottom, when she does go to the surface it appears to be difficult to reach, and she gulps multiple times. She is off her food for 3 days now. Belly may be a little swollen, scales are not proud.
One more thing: It appears that her face has changes. She was fairly blue and now her face is gray/blue. Her body and fins are still the original blue with red, but her face is weird - maybe even "bumpy" in several places.
So - what do you think is causing this? I do not see any worms, and I don't think the bumps are cysts - I'm guessing bacterial infection. She is, of course, in quarantine - I am wondering what, if anything besides a major tank cleaning and water change, I should do for the fish in the tank. (It's a 30 gal breeder - a grow out tank for plants and some very small tiger barbs)