Sick (?) fish in planted tank


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in plants - since my first priority is the fish, I selected this topic.

Several fish have started rubbing (glancing) off some plants -
mainly the tiger barbs (maybe a z danio)  off the aponogenta.
There were several fish added last week - algae crew (SAEs and ottos)  I know, I didn't Q tank them... the algae was out of control and I had lost all patience with the green menace...
I also another plant - I took that apart and checked it over as well as the naked eye could see.

I have checked out TBs for parasites (flukes, worms, etc) with a magnifying glass - can't see anything.  It's really weird, they all hang around this one area and take turns darting and glancing against the same leaves...  

As I said, there is no noticeable explanation:  no spots, no visible parasites, and the algae is gone for all practical purposes.  I have only had the tank planted for a few weeks - and it had really started to take off, so I don't want to kill them with whatever I treat the fish with...   For lack of a better idea I added a little Coppersafe (oh no, my plants!) and some Maracide this morning.  

I did see that last July there was a thread about Ich in a planted tank, and the strong suggestion not to use copper containing medications... What does that leave me with???
I don't suspect Ich - but what do I know?

As much as I complain about my bully-ish TBs - they are so much fun to watch...

If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all...

Oct 22, 2002
far from an expert, I've kept TB's for years and I've observed behavior like this myself.  I know all the books list rubbing and darting as signs of veddy BAD THINGS, but I have'nt ever had any parasite problems with my t-barbs.  Only problems with lonely barbs DAWGIN' their poor and sometimes tailess, tankmates.  One of my favorite tanks is a 20G/long with a school of 6 TB's, 2 giant danios, and a very nocternal banjo cat.-very active tank-  So sit back and watch- don't go treatin' the tank unless you start seeing more evidence of an infection. Who knows why they're doing this.  Sometimes in the evenings my TBs will pick a corner of the tank and methodically attack the glass.  From the bottom up to the top.  Then they swim back to the bottom and start over again and again and again.... Gheeshh?



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Well thanks pdiddy... I'm not as concerned now.

I've been watching and they are definetly acting out of character.  As if they are re-establishing the pecking order:
getting very close and twitching very fast.  Sometimes their color seems to fad a little - then comes back.  Is there any chance this could be some kind of sex dance?  There is a partial eclipse tonight at dusk...

Oct 22, 2002
Yo Eq!
Sounds like you got a little love action goin on in the tank!  Let me guess- the duller ones with the rounder bellies are being chased by the more colorful ones.  Watch close and you may see the "shimmy" produce some translucent, perfectly round eggs.  But watch real close, cuz those voyeuristic tankmates who have been chasing the amorous duo will be making fast work of the little delicacies. Caviar anyone?  Err um?  What was the name of that plant you just added? :cool:

call me moose

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would also wait and see if you can look for any more signs before treating.

I also had a nasty looking tank...and did NOT q-tank my new fish in my 29. They were all new except the guppys anyways. Well I got ick from the ottos, treated it with maracide, with little damage to the plants.

So if you must, IME, it wont do too much harm.

Maroxy is one to never add to a planted tank(for cottenmouth)...that one did kill every plant a few years ago.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i'm not sure on the plant part, but some times one of my spotted cories goes into a fit and will flick on every thing in the tank. at first it freaked me out but then i did all the water tests, all aspects were fine and there was no phyisical signs of disease. some times there is nothing you can do


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
I haven't been able to see any eggs, but the other tank buddies were right there, busy picking at the substrate.  It had been hours since they had been fed... so maybe they were dining on fresh food...

And no... I didn't put "hemp"  ;) in my tank!  

Do you think they might want a cigarette?  And will he call her in the morning?  What do you do about a dead-beat fish dad?  Do they make those sleeveless T shirts thaqt small?

I will continue to peep on my fish...