Sick Fish


Small Fish
Oct 21, 2003
near Ottawa, ON
Visit site
Good Morning,

I have a 10 Gallon with Swordtails, Neon and Glowlight Tetras, a Cory and a Snail. For the past week or so I've had a couple of Swordtail babies just up and die on me. Now it's affecting the Neon's and I'm curious to know what it might be!

The Neons were very bright in color but I noticed this morning that they are looking almost "bleached" out and their eyes look very black and almost puffy. When the Swordtails were affected, they also lost their color.

Going to try a water change but would appreciate any other ideas.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Sorry to hear you're having fish die :( If you can give us some more information it will be easier for us to help you. :)

Is this a new tank? Have you tested your water for ammonia and nitrites? Are the fish showing any other signs like swimming oddly, patches or spots on them, not eating, staying at the bottom or top of the tank? How many fish exactly do you have in there? What is the temperature of the tank, and what is your filtration system? How often do you usually change water?


Small Fish
Oct 21, 2003
near Ottawa, ON
Visit site
The tank has been occupied since Sept. I haven't tested the water for ammonia or nitrites. The fish seem fine, even the ones that have lost color - everyone's eating well! The temp is around 82. I have one adult Swordtail, about 10 Swordtail babies (still quite small), 6 Glowlights (hardy little ones), must be down to maybe 3 Neon's and a Cory. The filter is a DyoFlo which I just cleaned up on the weekend. My last water change, oh a few weeks ago I believe.

Did a water change today, hoping that it's my own stupidity of not having done it sooner.