Sick Fishies! Euthenize them? What should I do?


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
Visit site
I am noticing that one of my White Cloud Mountain Minnows is acting strangly. It was swimming head up right into the current. Then I came back today, and it was sitting on the bottom of the tank, completely inactive. One side of its scales are all puffed out like a bunch of teeth, It looks really sick, what is it? Is it dropsy? How can I remedy this/prevent it in the future? Should I put the minnow out of its missery? Will this spread to the other fish in the tank?


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
I cant tell you what it is but it sure does sound nasty. Im not a big fan of euthenizing fish so i would just let nature take its course. But if you think its contagious which there is no real way to find out unless you find out what the disease is or if another fish gets it then i would suggest euthenizing it. The best way i think would be is to get real cold water throw the fish in it to put it in shock then freeze it. Thats the only method that i would use out of the few i know.

- depthC