Sick Gourami

Sep 2, 2006
I have been away for quite some time (occupational hazard) and I received word today that my powder blue dwarf gourami is acting ill. It is usually a very aggressive fish, rushing to the top of the tank to eat, and even occasionally chasing after some of the other fish in the tank.

The last few days, it has been staying close to the bottom of the 55 gallon tank. Not a normal behavior for a gourami. Not only that, but it hasn't been eating either. She even tried tempting it with blood worms, and it was un-interested.

All of the other fish in the tank (2 danios, 5 rasboras, a pleco, and a mysterious snail) are behaving normally. She checked the water and all parameters were in the "safe levels" Sorry, she couldn't give me exact numbers as she had done the test earlier and did not know that I would ask for exact numbers. She couldn't find any signs of ick, or any cottony stuff in it's gills. According to her, there were no obvious signs of illness, just the lackluster behavior.

Any one have any thoughts on what could be wrong with the fish?

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
my two gourmais were doing the same thing, i have seperated them and the qt tank is doing better than one in the big tank. I would recommend a medicine called macryn and macryn 2.... but beware it kills bioload and tank will need recycle so put gourmai in seperate tank to treat if possible. I also use a med called focus with my feeding to help with any internal parasites they may have. Is his waste coming out clear or normal in color? Mine had internal parasites which was identified by clear waste from fish... now he is normal just havent moved back to big tank due to upcoming move. Hope this helps.