Sick Gourami


New Fish
Jun 8, 2012

Please help, I have 3 gouramies that I think is sick and are dying. Please help me before they die.

Water is tested fine. Only issue is PH is high (8+) but they have been living in there for over a while.

Here's the story on them gouramies.

I had 1 gourami when the tank started about 4 months ago. Second gourami about 2 months ago. 3rd, and 4th gourami about 3 weeks ago. Once have since then died.

About a week ago i noticed a small bump on the biggest gourami (the last one I bought). I thought I was overfeeding it and its belly got big. I decreased the feeding. The bump got bigger. I increased the feeding, it got even bigger. One then died.

I went to different forumns and read on this bump and some have suggested that it's a diseased. Some said cancer. Some said parasites. Some said there's no cure and just flush them before others get infected.

I went to the store and gave them the picture and those #*$#&$ said they see no bump or lump. I have attached the picture for you all to see. Needless to say I bitched like hell and talked to the supervisor of the store. No use. They won't take the gourami back and pay for the others. I tried. I was so frustrated and even spent $15 on the Lifeguard all-in-one treatment that treats fungus, itches, parasites. Started first day of treatment today.

I don't know what is wrong. So much varied information and nothing points to a real answer. So I decided to register and post a thread for myself.

Here's the attachment of the gourami. Please help. I don't want the fish to die.

Sick Gouramies.JPG


New Fish
Jun 8, 2012
I've re-attached the picture again. This time made it a bit bigger but a little distorted.

The nitrate was low. I don't remember the exact number but the guy from the fish store said that it was low too. I used the dip strip. Just bought the liquid test tube and I will test it again tonight when I get home. Untitled.jpg


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
That's really bizarre. The people at the store have no idea what they are doing if they don't see that. I've never seen anything like that, so I unfortunately can't be of help. May be something internal. Maybe somebody else can help you out. Hope that it gets better, it sucks to have them die on you :(