I have about 15 guppies (male and female) in a 10 gallon tank for breeding purposes. The last few days some of the fish (both male and female) act like they are having spasms. They arch their spines and shimmy for a second or two and then go on about their normal lives. They aren't cold. The water is kept at a steady 78 degrees fahrenheit. There are no outward signs of parasites, fungus, etc. They are eating well as usual. Their diet consists of flake food daily, brine shrimp every third day, and the occasional algae wafer about once a week. Several females are very pregnant and two just gave birth to about 35 fry. I do a 30% water change every week. I've checked the disease database and can't find anything to match my symptoms. They almost act like they're having cramps. It looks painful to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!! Also there are 5 ghost shrimp in the tank with them doing the same thing. They practically fold themselves in half with these spasms.
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