Sick or pregnant neon tetra?


Small Fish
Jul 21, 2009
I bought 12 neon tetras for my 29g tank about a week ago and 2 died within 3 days, but those two were always isolating themselves from the others and I thought they were already sick/dying when I bought them. The rest of the neons were doing well, regaining most of their colour within the week and schooling together.

Just today though, I noticed that one of the females had a really swollen belly and I wonder if it could be disease, constipation or pregnancy (well tetras technically aren't "pregnant" but they do seem to get swollen when filled with eggs for spawning) She seems to be doing fine, aggressively competing with the other tetras for food when I feed them. She and one or two of the males chase each other every now and then. She has this greenish-neon look if you look at her from an angle, and some of the other neons have that look too.

The tank is heavily planted with a Penguin 200 filter (which can filter up to 55g), and the temperature is around 76-79f (25-26c) I haven't done a water change in 3 weeks as I wanted the fish to adjust to the environment, and will be doing one shortly. I use Tetra's Aquasafe dechlorinator and overdosed a little just in case to get rid of the chlorine. The pH is 7.2, GH is almost non-existant and ammonia/nitrite are both at 0. I still have no way to test nitrates, but I figure it shouldn't be incredibly high with all the plants in there. I use SeaChem's Acid Buffer/Alkaline buffer to lower pH everyday as my pH used to be around 7.7, and I will stop using that soon. The only other inhabitants in there are amano shrimps and malaysian trumpet snails.

Hope that's enough info, but I can answer questions quite quickly as I'll be checking in regularly.

These are some of my first fish, so I'm really quite inexperienced. My brother used to keep aquariums too but he's never seen anything like this and just tells me to leave the fish alone and wait and see, but if its a disease I don't want it wiping out everything in there :( Hope the picture helps. Thanks in advance!


Small Fish
Jul 21, 2009
She seems to have shrunk down a little, swims a little awkward but otherwise seems to be normal. Watching her carefully just in case. Perhaps she just over ate way too much in the last feeding. Think I should wait another day or two, but if its a false alarm I apologise for over-reacting, I might be over-obsessed with their well being :eek: