Sick or Prego?


Medium Fish
Apr 8, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
Does anyone have pictures of a female gourami they can show me? I dont know how these guys reproduce and one of my gourami's belly's is gettting really big. And its been slow goins for the belly growth. I dont know if its sick or pregnant. None of the other fish look bloated like she does. Should I move her to the 10g tank?

Edit: I was looking up Dropsy and my fish may have it... Any tips on curing this?

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Medium Fish
Apr 8, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
:( Okay I'm sure my fish has dropsy. its scales are just now starting to pop out. :( I moved the fish from my 10g into my 45g and put the gourami with dropsy into my 10g. I didnt know what else to do... I'm now worried about the frogs getting out of the 45g cus I dont have the proper lid that is supposed to come with the tank... I taped down some tin foil and I'm tryin to keep an eye on them... I dont know about the tetras though, seeing as they're in there with an angelfish and otherfishies.... I read on a few sites about putting salt in the hospital tank to help with dropsy so I put a couple tablespoons, most of them said 1tblspn per gallon, I put 5 for the 10g cus I wasnt sure if that was alright... Uggggg!!!


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Medium Fish
Apr 8, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
in the end I probably killed him cus I didnt know enough... Maybe it was the salt or the new tank... :( He died not even 10 minutes ago... He was my favorite fishy in the tank and before he got sick hed come up to the front every time i was there. :( I'm gonna bary him later today. :(

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
it is a sad story and i had the same scenario yesterday my female gourami had been fat for 2 weeks like a pregnant fish but then she started laying on her side on the plants. she also had some sort of fungus on her and i looked in my aquariun book and all the symptoms matched and the treatment was a salt bath..... 6 minutes later she died i cant say if her gills were moving before the salt bath but they werent during the salt bath. maybe its the dwarf gourami not able to cope with salt.

ps my gourami that died was a dwarf indian gourami aka blue neon dwarf gourami. (same as the pic u showed)


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Just wanted to clarify. Your Gourami (Kay) was a Male and yes it was Dropsey. Once its in that stage there really isnt much to do and you really dont notice it till then. Dont blame yourself, you did the best you could. And at least he wasnt being pestered by tank mate during his last time. :eek:


Medium Fish
Apr 8, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
:( I totally miss that fishy... it was the cutest in the tank... I guess now I have to figure out what to do with my redfin shark cus its picking on the other gourami now. When I had two in there the shark didnt know who to pester but now there is one. I guess I'll have to put the shark in the 10g...