Sick Severum :(

My severum Bob is looking not so good *SICK*he is 3 -6 years old. A few days ago 6-7 he stopped eating and has been lying on the bottom mostly on his side hardly breathing not moving or eating. Today i decided to disturb him and he is fighting for survial. He is up and breathing hard but still struggling. When bothered he swims terrible doing circles and rolls. What should i Do see if he comes out of it? or put him down in the freezer? How long is the lifespan of a severum?



Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
Have you tried daily small water changes to see if there is improvement? Have you tested the water to see that ammonia=0 nitrites=0 and NitrAtes are twenty or below? What foods has the fish been fed up until it refused to eat? I had two Severums that reached nearly ten years before they slowly began their decline despite my best efforts.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would try water changes and see if that perks him up at all. Also closely examine his body to see if there are any sores or signs of sickness. Otherwise, it may be his time to go. :( I have had fish come "back" from lying on the bottom breathing hard, but they're never quite the same afterwards.