Sick swollen Betta


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My year and half old Betta has developed a swollen lump right under his gills.It looks like he has a fat neck.There is nothing coming out of it.It is under his skin.I thought maybe it was some kind of bacterial infection or dropsy but it has not pineconed.I am on my second treatment of kanacyn.This has been going on for over a week.He still swims around ,eats acts normal but he sure don't look normal.He lives in 2 gallon eclipse tank with filter.ammonia zero,nitrites zero and PH 7.2.Is there anything else I can do??Thanks:(

Oct 22, 2002
Your betta is reaching the last days of it's life. In the wild bettas only live for about a year. Yours has lived for probably around 2 1/2 years. All you can do now is make it comfortable. Maybe some of the medications will work, maybe not.