Sideways-swimming gourami advice needed

May 25, 2004
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I've been maintaining a 30-gallon freshwater tank for a couple of years now. Yesterday I bought three new 1-inch platinum gourami, one of them is acting strangely, and I'd like any advice on it.

The gourami is swimming sideways (ie flat side up), and spiralling around. He's eating, and he moves fast when he needs to - the other gourami are starting to nip him, since he's been acting so oddly.

Right now, as well as the gourami, I have a 4-inch pleco, two 1-inch zebra danio (these three fish have been in the tank for months), and two (new) snails.

My levels are:
NO2/NH3: both zero
pH: around 6.2. This is a little more acidic than usual - I normally get around 7.0

The other strange thing, which has never happened before, is that there's an odd kind of white material building up on my filters. I have activated carbon and a biowheel (the tank is an Eclipse) and the white stuff appears as tufty patches on both. I don't see any in the main tank itself, though.

Is this swimbladder, or something else? Any idea what the white stuff could be? Is there anything I can do for the fish? I read that a water change may help, but how much? I was planning to do about 50% tomorrow, and see how that goes.

Thanks for any advice.