
Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I was in Petsmart tonight picking up some supplies and saw a young couple with a kid. They were buying a little blue crowntail along with a jar of food and a glass bowl. (Bowl could fit in one hand:( ) I could tell they never had a Betta before and were asking a young worker if they could put a gold fish in the bowl too!!:eek: Luckily the girl told them no just one betta. The wife asked if they could put another small betta with the other one and again the girl said no they will fight. As they walked past me I heard the guy said to his wife they should get another one just to see them cut each other! And this was the father! Luckily the wife ignored him and they went to purchase the poor little Betta who looked alot like Flipper, but not nearly as lucky.:(

What got me really thinking and angry is that anybody can buy a fish regardless if they are completely clueless about decent pet care. Even a child can just go right up and buy one. Ashame there isn't more stricter requirements such as given free phamplets on care, and only adults can purchase. At least that would be something. Sorry about the rant that just made me depressed. I am going to go say hi to Pinky now:)

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Yeah, fish often have this stereotype. They're pets that have a "higher mortality rate" and because of their cheap costs, fish are expendable. I think part of the reason people think this is because they have never raised fish as successful pets. Also, fish are small. Just as how we view ants or snails as something we can step on and not care about, fish can die and supposedly, it's "okay." I think its wrong, but there's not much we can do about it.

For me, putting a restriction on fish purchases would be weird. My lfs manager has said he makes most of his sales from goldfish. They are the number 1 aquarium fish. Most people overstock and then they die. When really urks me is when the person buys an expensive fish and has no idea about the maintenance or care. Oohh, I want an Oscar.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Hmmm, maybe petstores should initiate pet care classes that required before the purchase of any pet can be made....and if they are worried about losing money, cause less people will by spur-of-the-moment pets, they can charge for the classes..since we all know that, rather unfortunately, money is everything to them...

some mom and pop laces have hose requirements. My friend owns a small store (mainky for horses, cattle ranch supplies but she has fish) and she wont sell to anyone under 17 unless they have a note from a parents and phone #. But most people go to the chain stores because of cheap prices. I've heard employees and ppl say "well if it dies you can bringit back and if not, its only a couple of bucks you lost". sad


Small Fish
Jan 17, 2005
Dundee, MI US
Visit site
sweetvegan74 said:
free phamplets on care
Most of the chain pet places do have information available about the care for fish, the problem isn't always the store it's also the fact that consumers need to educate themselves before they make a purchase. I doubt they would buy a discus without researching it, $20+ makes you think about what your buying before you buy it.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
edlockhart said:
Most of the chain pet places do have information available about the care for fish, the problem isn't always the store it's also the fact that consumers need to educate themselves before they make a purchase.

Yep, people are just plain lazy these days and wont even do the slightest research before they buy something like that. Or, they are so deceived by what the pet store tells them that they think thats all the research they need to do (it happened to me, im sad to say *ALL* ).


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Ok I'll open up the pet store and do that as a public service.
No fish should ever go home with out the proper care instructions and equipment.

When I see people at the LFS and theya re talking about getting a fish I pipe in and tell then that they need this that or the other and they thank me.
I am not claiming to be a KIA<---(Know It All) but regular advise is better then none at all.

yeah but thats needed ninamarie!
This jerk at petsmart (that I got into it with before over my dog)
was telling this elderly couple about gravel vacs. They were returning a reg syphon and he telling them that it was the only way to clean a tank. So after he left them in the asile I told them to get a python and showed them how it worked.
You have to chime in sometimes because sometimes (more often than not) they dont know what they are talking about