
Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I know I shouldn't do it but I couldn't help myself. When I was in walmart (their the only store that carries these compressed rawhides my dogs love) after picking up the bag of dog treats I went by the fish tanks. I was surprized the goldfish and tropics weren't crowded and the water looked clean and the fish were healthy looking. Then I saw the Betta cups..all the water was cloudy and one fish looked like he was blind*SICK* Then I saw a tiny dead one. What got me :mad: was there was fresh food floating in the cup so the staff are still feeding the dead Betta they don't even realize he is gone. Walmart Bettas have to be the most neglected fish on the planet. Sometimes I wish they did not have the labyrinth organ so they would be treated with more respect and given more room. I feel pet stores abuse the fishes air breathing to their advanatge in order to save space.


Large Fish
May 11, 2006
Guelph, ON
Yeah maybe you should complain...but to a manager, not one of the high school kids that make $7 an hour! They dont care about anything!

My friend worked at a petstore as the small animal department head...she finally had to quit because she coudn't take the stress anymore. When she returned from her days off none of the animals had been fed, watered or had their cages cleaned. None of the weekend staff gave a damn. So sad.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I was at walmart the other day and was shocked and sick at what I saw. I was walking by the tanks and saw a cute goldfish I go to look. In the aquarium, no joke but about an inch past the back glass, was full of dead or dying fish. I was so pissed and of course there was no person in the department as usual. The poor fish must be starving too cause they were eating at the dead fish YUCK. Then the betta section looked just as bad. There was yellow stuff floating in the cups and they were all basicallt just lying at the bottom of the cups poor little guys. They are sooo cruel to animals. They shouldn't be allowed to sell them if they can never take care of them. Who would want to buy fish when there are dead fish in them all the time.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
I would of got all the bettas that were there and put them in my basket purchase them and then send in the animal people to shut them down for it.
It's not right at all to think of fish as not warm blooded animals and to ignore them like that. I walk past my goldies in the pond and talk to them all the time and to my bettas on the counter in the kitchen my hubbins thinks I am nutts but oh well.
poor cup pupies!!!!

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
GeraldTheMouse said:
I just got back from my local PetsMart, and in the betta cups, the water was blue, and all the bettas didn't looks so good. And there were no covers on the cups either.
I would talk to the manager of that Petsmart and complain about the lids. If I was a betta I would probably try to make a break for it too!

I tried getting the walmart manager but kept getting disconnected.*thumbsdow

Nina Marie, I know how you feel. But if I bought the fish at Walmart, then they would just get more in. I was very tempted in getting that little white one I felt so sorry for him most of all:(