Silicone question

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I filled my new 150 up just to make sure no leaks, which shouldn't be since its new but I always check any ways. Im prob just being a worry wart but in between to two edges of glass in one corner theres a white line going along it I guess silicone heres some crappy photos can kind of tell what Im talking about and was just wondering if that is fine or should I take the tank back and order another? Thanks for any suggestions



Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
yeah I have yet to buy a tank with no bubbles in the silicone. and from a profesional caulker here stuff like that does not matter. as long as the silacone has been slicked properly there is nothing to worry about. what u want it the edge of the silicone to be nice and sealed. the rest don't realy matter much. at least thats with bathroom caulking as well as expansion joints and such.