Silver tip tetras with blue tetras??

Oct 22, 2002
I was wondering if you had any expierience with these fish. I can't find much info on the blue tetra and help would be appreciated. Do the silver tips and blues get along? (so to speak). I have a 25 gal. tank. How many should I get of each? How well planted does this tank need to be??
Thank you for all you assistence!

I've had silvertip tetras for a few years. They can be a bit nippy and chase other fish. But would probably only be bad with slow, shy fish. Mine get along well with my hyper blackskirt tetras and cherry barbs. They occationally chase my platies but no harm is done. My pearl gouramis are too big for them to even consider messing with them. I used to have them with the more shy and reserved emperor tetras (also have long fins to be nipped) and it didn't work out too well. I won't do that again. I've seen blue tetras at my lfs but don't really know anything about them. Hope that helps a little.