Simple10 gallon freshwater set up for beginners or a birthing tank


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2012
My friend asked me to explain and share this as I have used these for 20 years I have two of these simple setups for my orandas. I keep very small amounts in tanks 3 adults or multiple infants. The best and easiest 10 gallon set up is to get a simple under-gravel filter lay out a sheet of hand washed hog hair filter media the kind used in commercial air conditioning washable media, over the top with holes cut out for tubes instead of air filter you put a cheap hang on water filter into the plexitube and make an o ring out of fabric simply tied around tube so that all water comes from under the gravel.Pour in equal parts ammo carb and natural NOT Painted black and white or stone colored gravel.Ammo carb is excellent for plant growth as all carbon releases co2.Aquarium plants MUST have sufficient co2.Install a simple bubble wand and an air pump.Then fill the tank with untreated tap water or if you have the means to rainwater but never untreated pond water.I prefer rainwater but the tank cycles tap and removes the chloramine. You simply turn everything on and let it run for 24 hours.THIS SETUP IS NOT FOR LARGE NUMBERS OF FISH.
My 3 Orandas produce about 35 healthy babies a year on a mixed diet of Tetra pondfood color flakes and commercial goldfish food. I give them away to my elderly friends with a set up like mine.Orandas with no more than 3 in a 10 gallon tank will get as big as your hand for the males half that for females.
You must change 2 gallons of the water every two weeks. Let that water stand for at least 8 hours.
This is the very best and only cheap setup for the beginner that will grow anything you want. You will of course need a top and light eventually and instantly if you intend to use live plants.Cleaning the tank is easy use a microfiber cloth and simply wipe off any growth you notice. The filter drawing everything down through the bio gravel and the air pulverizing the large particles do the rest. Wash the filter provided in the hang on filter in baking soda and rinse it very very well and no need for anything else.As you get more confident branch out into many new and wonderful sized aquariums.But keep this set up for all your babies and there will be many. Note all male goldfish will eat the caviar so separate the female in the same tank she lives in with a breeder net when she gets nice and plump.When you see translucent eggs in the net with her remove her to the tank with the others. In a few days you have fishies. Gently move those babies to another like tank.Orandas get gigantic if placed in large tanks but are fine with smaller ones as well and have personality for days my males even come to the top for a tickle. Also save money with goldfish by using simple saint augustine grass in your tank for them to nibble they love it and it lasts a long time if you use healthy runners.Goldfish wreck any other plantlife so be aware they love to dig it up.

Feb 27, 2009
Ammo carb is excellent for plant growth as all carbon releases co2.
Activated carbon does NOT release CO2.

Then fill the tank with untreated tap water or if you have the means to rainwater but never untreated pond water.I prefer rainwater but the tank cycles tap and removes the chloramine. You simply turn everything on and let it run for 24 hours.
Running a tank for 24 hours will not remove chloramine.

Orandas with no more than 3 in a 10 gallon tank will get as big as your hand for the males half that for females.
Three in a 10 gallon tank??

You must change 2 gallons of the water every two weeks. Let that water stand for at least 8 hours.
I can't see how doing a 20% water change every other week would keep the overstocked tank healthy. What does letting the water (which you said has chloramine) stand for at least 8 hours supposed to do?

Note all male goldfish will eat the caviar so separate the female in the same tank she lives in with a breeder net when she gets nice and plump.When you see translucent eggs in the net with her remove her to the tank with the others. In a few days you have fishies.
With the female seperated from the male, how will the eggs get fertilized?

Orandas get gigantic if placed in large tanks but are fine with smaller ones
They will grow to their potential in the right sized tank and be stunted and live a much shorter life in a small tank.

Goldfish wreck any other plantlife so be aware they love to dig it up.
Not all goldfish destroy plants. Many here keep them in planted aquariums.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2012
pejorative bah humbug

I simply posted my tank set up that I make for my elderly friends 2 of my orandas are 10 years old and lived in a ten gallon simple set up like this all their lives and are happy as can be. I was asked by an online friend to share what I do. I have never lost a fish on transfer and count myself as lucky. I suppose experience is not valuable.If you use a breeding net sperm has no problem going through it.Fish are absolutely not stunted as fish adapt to the size if the tank they are in.
I am so happy you set me straight and my poor fish that have lived for 10 years happy as clams are as well as are the majority of the fish in 100 plus tanks i have provided for free to lonely old people.Some as old as six years.I was asked to explain my set up online so that others could try it who have such basic tanks in mind. I did so. Of course it is not a fishophile answer but that is left for the pejorative to feel good about belittling others. My set up works.Has for 20 years.If the tank has ammocarb as listed it removes the chloramine just like I said.Spend as much or as little as you want to and chase the tail of the cat all day long spending this and that or simply have a few fish and enjoy them like I and my friends do . We cannot all be perfect. Thankfully I am not nor never claimed to be. Simply posted a simple tank .

Running a tank for 24 hours will not remove chloramine.

Three in a 10 gallon tank??

I can't see how doing a 20% water change every other week would keep the overstocked tank healthy. What does letting the water (which you said has chloramine) stand for at least 8 hours supposed to do?

With the female seperated from the male, how will the eggs get fertilized?

They will grow to their potential in the right sized tank and be stunted and live a much shorter life in a small tank.

Not all goldfish destroy plants. Many here keep them in planted aquariums.[/QUOTE]


Superstar Fish
I dont think this was meant to be derogatory. Just the facts were stated about the post. One can run their tank how they wish. Everyone on forums has facts and opinions about how one can run a tank, you stated yours and the other poster stated theirs. You had your facts and they had their facts.

I personally feel that beginners should not take on an overstocked tank as lack of knowledge can lead to failure. Goldfish are fun fish, I have had several over the decades. Most goldfish can grow 8-10 inches and in my opinion should have the opportunity to reach that potential. Once again an opinion that differs from yours as I would suggest at bare minimum a 20G tank but preferably a 30G tank for a goldfish.

Ammocarb can reduce chloramine as well but I am not sure if 24 hours is enough time. Do you have a test kit for chloramine? I am always interested in ways to remove the junk from tap water!!! The best way I have found is my RO/DI unit. This way I remove it before I add it to the tank but, I still have to add the minerals back to this water.
In Layman terms: Sodium aluminosilicate binds with the ammonia in the chloramine which leaves free chlorine and both will out gas but the chloramine is tough to separate. pH in the tank plays a huge role in this procedure as well due to the fact that depending on the pH and ammonia in the water the chloramine can be in three different forms, mono-chloramine, di-chloramine, and tri-chloramine. The lower the pH the faster it happens. Even if you super chlorinate the water to 10PPM as a removal technique this still takes about 24 hours and is the fastest way I know of and you have to keep the pH at 7 to accomplish this in that amount of time.
The sodium aluminosilicate that you use is an excellent way to bind ammonia, this crystal formation works better then the round formations because it has much more surface area. Ammocarb is better suited to bind free ammonia then to pull is from chloramine though. Prime or other similar product is better suited to help remove chloramine.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
IME I have found many people who keep goldfish or bettas in a bowl successfully. Some will say they need at least 20g to thrive and reach their potential, but if they are interacting with their owner and live 6 - 10 years, I don’t feel they are being mistreated. I have found there are many people, especially kids and the elderly, who can’t afford or care for a pet. (This hobby can be quite expensive!) Maybe their living conditions won’t allow a dog or cat, or maybe they can no longer walk a dog or clean a litter box. For a child in this situation, it provides an opportunity for them to learn to care for a living creature and for an elderly person it gives them something alive to care for that they can still handle. They may not be able to afford or care for a 20g tank. I know from personal experience how important these things can be to an elderly person in a nursing home. It’s a connection to life. You see, if they had the ability to take care of a dog, cat or aquarium, they probably wouldn’t even need to be in a nursing home, but some still had the ability to care for a fish in a bowl by changing the water weekly and feeding it. It gives them a purpose in life.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2012
Thyra Thank you for being my angel. Fish have lived 10 years. Elders love these fish, have same success.Chlorine test kit is negative , in fairness this is north Florida water more green than most places.Asked to post this as Paul thinks my tank with these fish at such a small size are wonderful. Did so got busted in the lip by people with more money than God, apparently.Posted a simple beginners tank not a deluxe perfect setup.I am disabled on a limited income and do my good work by supplying tanks to elders so they are not so alone. Got beaten in the mouth for it and I do not think that is right. But thank you again for your grace Thyra.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2012
oops I forgot If your goldfish do not pull up your plants they are likely unhealthy and weak mine could pull up anything no matter how secure they are.


Superstar Fish
What do you mean by green (water)? Are you in a swampy area? I am in the bayou here in Louisiana and its pretty nasty water here as well.
I didn't mean to make you feel like you got busted in the lip. I stated it was my personal opinion and thats what it is. Keeping fish is like keeping religion. Everyone has their beliefs and their ways of doing things and they hold them close to their heart. I dont always do my fish stuff to the letter and on some things I go way overboard, so I am kinda all over the road in my ways of husbandry for fish keeping but, I do these things because it works for me and my animals. I do have very strong opinions about what works for me and what has not and I will share them with others as advise. Sorry for making you feel bad, that was not my intension.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2012
Panama City Florida proper has boil water notices on a very regular basis because or water treatment facilities are ran by people who do not know what they are doing.Not that I could do any better. I have had water on more than one occasion come directly from my tap with no chlorine at all in it and also water that has tested as copper levels so high they are toxic.So I haven't any idea what they are doing to the water if anything here but it would seem if the tap water comes out without chlorine is so low that it barely registers the chlorine is either barely added or the water is so bad it is spent quickly.What I meant by green is water basically in an untreated state.I pressure cook all of my personal drinking water then filter it before I drink it as it is otherwise unsafe to do so as a disabled person according to my doctor.I personally in my own tanks use nothing but collected rainwater filtered through a common brita filter. A luxury North Floridians have that most would not as it rains all the time here. Not over cleaning my tanks also keeps fresh live bacteria to help with decomposition. I do clean my tank as needed but do not over clean it with any chemicals.As you stated I agree everyone has their own method but fish naturalized to a smaller tank and their offspring might explain my results somewhat as well.I would like to add that standing rainwater is NOT good to use but water after a rain that is fresh, filtered and kept refrigerated has worked well for me.


Superstar Fish
We get those boil notices here a few times a year as well in the summer mostly when its been dry drought type weather.
I did the collected rain water about a decade ago. I collected it from the down spout from the eves trough by a 55G plastic barrel. I thought is was going to be this great idea but I only fussed with it a few times.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2012
Oh if I had big setups there is no way I could use rainwater.Nor can I when I clean the entire tank.I live in a complex for elderly and disabled Americans and just off my porch is a torrent of water every time it rains. We also have bonded metal roofing so there is not any shingle stuff in it. When we had shingles before they put this roofing on the water was too dirty to use.Sometimes the water coming out of the faucet is brownish to yellow and there is no way I am using that so I run every drop through a brita standard filter. I have an ultra max and keep filters for my own use.I guess i was so offended by the comments because I adore my fish and my dog and they are my children. Nobody accuses you of abusing someone you spend ten years loving and walks away scott free.My babies are not fish to me they have names and are part of my familly. SUPA Andrew, Gypsy and Magi. Magi is so named because he started off life as a black butterfly and moor hybrid and changed colors to gold and black after eating color flakes . He reins over the give away fish tank and the other two live in my bedroom where my dog and I now spend most of our time.I am no longer able to do anymore than give away fish to friends but I wanted because of Paul to share what I had done for so many. And do it here so someone else like me might think of doing what I have done for others and bring some joy to people who have very little and it backfired.People I have given fish to have turned around and got their grandchildren involved and some got giant setups later and if they need a fish they call me first to see what I have. I am the land of forgotten joy as well and get alot of the babies back and send them off on a new life to others. To be thrown into it was hurtful.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am truly sorry you feel hurt and I admire what you are doing. I know first hand from working in a nursing home for years how important contact with life outside can be. We had dogs, cats, birds, and fish - even a baby goat once that they could cuddle in bed. A volunteer brought a horse for residents to pet which was a big hit. Men need a wallet in their back pocket even if there is no money and a little "jingle" in their front pants pocket, too. Women need a purse, even if they aren't going any place. I knew a man who needed cigarettes in his shirt pocket, but didn't smoke. When I asked him why, he said because he always like to share with his friends. Its all about dignity and respect and I learned a lot.


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2012
Thyra , I honestly feel grace is an active pursuit that is achieved only by giving it away. I was blessed to have had my Apache beliefs in a living and active spirit we dwell in as it dwells in us.If by 60 simple dollars I could save someone from a one bedroom existence alone with no comfort but a television and visiting nurses, I did good. Some, indeed many people, who end up in HUD funded disabled and elderly facilities have no families or are sadly thrown away by same. A couple of fish to care for do indeed make a difference. The act of myself and my lady who does my shopping showing up to set up the tanks was always met with tears and the smile of the spirit in them that is the spirit in me.It is a tangible memory every day in living form " I see you and you matter to me." I can no longer because of my health attend to setting up tanks. In this vein I also sneak around and place cakes, perfume, makeup, candies and all manner of goodies on porches and wheelchair off after because I hear the stories of how "somebody" put a whole bunch of brand new stuff on my porch addressed to me with their faces lit up.Women do need purses make up and pretties and men need to be remembered as well with razors and shave cream and shampoo etc. It is better to not tell them where it comes from. I get to be magic that way hahaha. I do suspect I am told on sometimes. Throwing away our elders is not something tenable to native Americans who believe we are all within the one.Having been a therapist before I was a victim of a violent crime, that took my life as it was, I can attest to one hundred percent improvement in people who have access to animals or even plants. I give those away as well.Everyone should but they don't. I challenge anyone reading this to do a sneaky act of kindness for an old person or someone all alone and then come back and tell me they don't feel like they got more joy giving something nice away than they would ever have received from keeping it.I find giving stuff in secret makes me feel better. If you have to stand there and reap the thanks completely missed the point.You would be surprised how many smiles you can make out of little to nothing spent. For 17 dollars you can buy a case of oatmeal cookies and for a few cents print cards that say " you are very special to me and I thought of you today" For less than the cost of a few gallons of gas you may save a life by giving the hopeless reason to think humanity cares. HUGS THYRA


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I do appreciate what you are saying but because this is largely a fish forum perhaps it would be best to take any interaction either to a PM or in the lounge. I do think I understand where you are coming from. Thanks, but let us close the personal part of this thread down.