My friend asked me to explain and share this as I have used these for 20 years I have two of these simple setups for my orandas. I keep very small amounts in tanks 3 adults or multiple infants. The best and easiest 10 gallon set up is to get a simple under-gravel filter lay out a sheet of hand washed hog hair filter media the kind used in commercial air conditioning washable media, over the top with holes cut out for tubes instead of air filter you put a cheap hang on water filter into the plexitube and make an o ring out of fabric simply tied around tube so that all water comes from under the gravel.Pour in equal parts ammo carb and natural NOT Painted black and white or stone colored gravel.Ammo carb is excellent for plant growth as all carbon releases co2.Aquarium plants MUST have sufficient co2.Install a simple bubble wand and an air pump.Then fill the tank with untreated tap water or if you have the means to rainwater but never untreated pond water.I prefer rainwater but the tank cycles tap and removes the chloramine. You simply turn everything on and let it run for 24 hours.THIS SETUP IS NOT FOR LARGE NUMBERS OF FISH.
My 3 Orandas produce about 35 healthy babies a year on a mixed diet of Tetra pondfood color flakes and commercial goldfish food. I give them away to my elderly friends with a set up like mine.Orandas with no more than 3 in a 10 gallon tank will get as big as your hand for the males half that for females.
You must change 2 gallons of the water every two weeks. Let that water stand for at least 8 hours.
This is the very best and only cheap setup for the beginner that will grow anything you want. You will of course need a top and light eventually and instantly if you intend to use live plants.Cleaning the tank is easy use a microfiber cloth and simply wipe off any growth you notice. The filter drawing everything down through the bio gravel and the air pulverizing the large particles do the rest. Wash the filter provided in the hang on filter in baking soda and rinse it very very well and no need for anything else.As you get more confident branch out into many new and wonderful sized aquariums.But keep this set up for all your babies and there will be many. Note all male goldfish will eat the caviar so separate the female in the same tank she lives in with a breeder net when she gets nice and plump.When you see translucent eggs in the net with her remove her to the tank with the others. In a few days you have fishies. Gently move those babies to another like tank.Orandas get gigantic if placed in large tanks but are fine with smaller ones as well and have personality for days my males even come to the top for a tickle. Also save money with goldfish by using simple saint augustine grass in your tank for them to nibble they love it and it lasts a long time if you use healthy runners.Goldfish wreck any other plantlife so be aware they love to dig it up.
My 3 Orandas produce about 35 healthy babies a year on a mixed diet of Tetra pondfood color flakes and commercial goldfish food. I give them away to my elderly friends with a set up like mine.Orandas with no more than 3 in a 10 gallon tank will get as big as your hand for the males half that for females.
You must change 2 gallons of the water every two weeks. Let that water stand for at least 8 hours.
This is the very best and only cheap setup for the beginner that will grow anything you want. You will of course need a top and light eventually and instantly if you intend to use live plants.Cleaning the tank is easy use a microfiber cloth and simply wipe off any growth you notice. The filter drawing everything down through the bio gravel and the air pulverizing the large particles do the rest. Wash the filter provided in the hang on filter in baking soda and rinse it very very well and no need for anything else.As you get more confident branch out into many new and wonderful sized aquariums.But keep this set up for all your babies and there will be many. Note all male goldfish will eat the caviar so separate the female in the same tank she lives in with a breeder net when she gets nice and plump.When you see translucent eggs in the net with her remove her to the tank with the others. In a few days you have fishies. Gently move those babies to another like tank.Orandas get gigantic if placed in large tanks but are fine with smaller ones as well and have personality for days my males even come to the top for a tickle. Also save money with goldfish by using simple saint augustine grass in your tank for them to nibble they love it and it lasts a long time if you use healthy runners.Goldfish wreck any other plantlife so be aware they love to dig it up.