this is another debate that is beaten to death on just about every forum, but here goes:
I think it's a bit strange to set out to enforce isolation and sensory depravation on a creature within a ridiculously enclosed environment.
so youre saying a 3 inch fish alone in a 10 gallon is "enforced isolation" and would cause "sensory deprivation" ...? please explain this to me, as i have not read any publications to support this claim.
i noticed that you have a red-tailed shark in your 10 gallon.... but dont they grow to 5 inches? (larger in the wild)
is this 10 gallon a "ridiculously OPEN enviornment" compared to eveyone else's 10 gallon?
I would suggest that if you had a dog you wouldn't keep it tethered in a kennel
you would?? man, you must be one of THOSE kind of people who actually takes care of their pets b/c i sure dont care about mine.
the only reason i am even toying with this moot topic is that i dont appreciate the notion that i am somehow promoting poor fish keeping practices by keeping small fish in small tanks.
is any tank really large enough compared to what fish would have in the wild? how far do you want to take this?
take your 55 gallon for example: cyps school in incredibly large numbers in the wild..... can you really replicate this at all in a 55 gallon tank?
would they suffer from physiological problems from this? i would say hell no.
using your logic though, i dont know.