Sink/Faucet Adapter Issues Plze Help

Dec 26, 2008
Ok so we just put in new sink and faucet, and well guess what now, the faucet is one of the jobbers that has a pull out hose on it, and my python adapter that came with the kit no longer works, anyone know of a smaller version to the python adaptor kit that goes on a faucet that has a pull out hose? Desperately needing to change water on 125 gallon tank in NM!:eek:


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Not much help since I dont know what kind of adapter you would need but I know you can buy most of the adapter's at petsmart, water beds use the same part that hooks to you faucet as well so you may be able to find a seller online and check out some of the online distributors in the sponsors forum here. Good Luck and WELCOME TO MFT.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Have to update what I said, I went to petsmart today because I needed a new adapter, they were all on sale for clearance (sp?), I assume they are going to stop selling parts, atleast at the one in my town, so if you even think you need something go and check it out, I bought the part I needed at a 50% savings, luckily they still had one left.


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
Here is a weird stab at your problem.

Is there any way possible to use two hose clamps and a small section of a bicycle tube ? Maybe slide tube over both ends of hoses and clamp them. I don't know what kind of pressure the tube will take but most are rated for at least 40psi air pressure and mountain bike tires are rated for up to 70psi.

Just a thought.