Skimmer Foam too Wet?

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
So I got a aquaC remora skimmer and its been running on my 20 gallon for a few weeks... My skim is still almost water. Its raised all the way up to hopefully get dry foam but no luck... it fills with basically water after 3 days.... Any reason why this is? Do I mess with my tank too much so the oils from my skin, the food I add make the skimmer not work as well?... I think I've read this before in the manual.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Alright, we'll I'll go with that philosophy... It means that I'm doing something right.... Maybe 6 months with out a skimmer means that it has some catching up to do... who knows.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
It seems that "wet skimming" restricts the water from flowing out, increasing the amount of water in the skimmer at one time and producing a more wet foam... makes sense... or by decreasing the amount of air in the skimmer making it more wet...

I made a piece of plastic fit directly over my injection tube to make it quieter the first few weeks and it has worked. I left it on there cause it didnt seem to do any harm and other people suggested it. Now I am thinking that it has restricted air flow in the skimmer making it more wet?...

any ideas on this hypothesis before I take it out and see how loud the skimmer really is, even with a towel laying over the top of it..... (and this towel also could restrict air since it covers a small hole in the collection cup... hmmm)

I have read that wet skimming does seem to be better although you loose more water (about a cup a day for me so barely anything) but I also want to see if I could make it a bit more dry... somewhere in the middle.