Use the internet. You will find almost noone with anything good to say re: seaclones - they really are abject junk. If you want to get one and spend a lot of time modding it to work so-so that's great by me, I would rather buy something that worked to start with.
I am actually a satisfied prism user, and I will still NOT recommend one. I know what I am doing, and I think the prism can be made to work just fine BUT is very, very hard to tune to work properly. Very hard.
I don't know how much your lfs wants for a seaclone. Frankly you may as well buy a Remora, it's not that much more, and the 50 60 dollar difference is likely the difference between spending 180 on a skimmer that works and 120 or whatever on a bum skimmer that is worth zero really.
You might consider looking around for a used skimmer if cost is that big an issue. There are plenty for sale - I like ones from AquaC (remora) and the CPR bakpak. In Europe I like bargains from people like Tunze and Deltec, these are also very good, easy to setup skimmers.
As a newbie getting a skimmer to skim is one of your greatest challenges.
As a note if your lfs is really recommending the seaclone as a great skimmer it's time to stop listening to their advice.